2015-w2837 - 18 August 2015

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) Is there any further progress on the negotiations with the National Treasury to extend the budget available for the S12i Tax Incentive and (b) what are the relevant details in this regard?

2015-w2929 - 18 August 2015

Anton De Waal Alberts to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Why did the investment protection agreement between South Africa and Zimbabwe not retroactively provide for the protection of the property rights of South African citizens against expropriation and/or illegal occupation before the agreement came into force;

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 18 Aug 2015

The Bilateral Investment Treaty between South Africa and Zimbabwe is a negotiated Agreement. Furthermore, it is unusual for Agreements of this nature to have retrospective application as the guiding principle is that parties enter into such agreements with a view to addressing future events.


(2)Whether he intends to take steps to promote the rights, and claim compensation for the losses, of South ...

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NW3490E - 14 August 2015

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) What progress has been made in the (a) establishment of the Black Economic Empowerment Commission and (b) appointment of the relevant commissioner; (2) whether he is considering the appointment of a certain person (name furnished) to the position of commissioner; if so, on what basis?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 14 Aug 2015

(1)(a) The process of establishing the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Commission is underway. The department has submitted to National Treasury the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) budget request for both financial and human resource capital.

(1)(b) The Minister of Trade and Industry, in terms of section 13C of the B-BBEE Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003), as amended by the B-BBEE Amendment ...

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NW3432E - 14 August 2015

A de W Alberts to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Why did the investment protection agreement between South Africa and Zimbabwe not retroactively provide for the protection of the property rights of South African citizens against expropriation and/or illegal occupation before the agreement came into force; (2) whether he intends to take steps to promote the rights, and claim compensation for the losses, of South African citizens who have been prejudiced by the Zimbabwean government and/or illegal occupiers before the commencement of the agreement; if not, why not, seen against the background of the Bill of Rights contained in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, and relevant international law; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he is considering legislation to bring about compensation for such disadvantaged people by way of making the confiscation of assets of the Zimbabwean government and/or responsible ministers and/or officials in South Africa possible; if not, why not, seen against the background of the Bill of Rights, as contained in the Constitution of the Friday, 14 August 2015 1067 INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL ASSEMBLY NO 30 - 2015 Republic of South Africa, 1996, and relevant international law; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) what steps is he taking regarding the current unlawful dispossession of South African citizens’ property rights in Zimbabwe by the Zimbabwean government and/or illegal occupiers?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 14 Aug 2015

The Bilateral Investment Treaty between South Africa and Zimbabwe is a negotiated Agreement. Furthermore, it is unusual for Agreements of this nature to have retrospective application as the guiding principle is that parties enter into such agreements with a view to addressing future events.


(2)Whether he intends to take steps to promote the rights, and claim compensation for the losses, of South ...

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NW3418E - 14 August 2015

William Mothipa Madisha to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether the reindustrialisation of the country is taking place at a significant and sustained rate to allow for (a) large-scale job creation, (b) a positive impact on the gross domestic product, (c) increased fixed foreign direct investment, Friday, 14 August 2015 1064 INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: NATIONAL ASSEMBLY NO 30 - 2015 (d) annual increases in exports in real terms and (e) the substantial beneficiation of ores and minerals mined in the country; if not, why not; if so, what (i) are the relevant details and (ii) is the impact of reindustrialisation on economic growth?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 14 Aug 2015

South Africa has an industrial sector characterised by pockets of sophisticated manufacturing capabilities which have developed over several decades to service the mining sector and a relatively small domestic consumer market.

However, in the early 1990s the Apartheid-state agreed to a far-reaching overhaul of South Africa’s trade policy regime with deep tariff cuts over a relatively short period, impacting a broad swathe of manufacturing ...

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2015-w2834 - 13 August 2015

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)With reference to the procurement of locomotives and coaches by the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), (a) what discussions did he hold with PRASA: (b) the Department of Transport to ensure that local (i) content and (ii) procurement was possible for the specified locomotives and coaches; (2) was the procurement of locomotives and coaches by PRASA designated by him for local content; if not, why not? NW3307E:

2015-w2835 - 12 August 2015

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)What discussions did he hold with the Department of Energy regarding the designation of local content for the Government’s proposed nuclear build programme; (2) what steps did he take to ensure that local content requirements were included in the various memoranda of understanding signed by the specified department; (3) what (a) value and/or (b) benefits will the local manufacturing sector derive from the nuclear build programme, including (i) job creation and (ii) investment in manufacturing; (4) has any person from his department been appointed to assist the specified department with local content and procurement; if so, (a) who has been appointed, (b) how were they selected and (c) what qualifications do they hold? NW3308E

2015-w2839 - 12 August 2015

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Has his department had discussions with the National Treasury about the proposed new procurement regulations for tenders under R10 million; if so, what are the (a) substance of these discussions and (b) further relevant details; (2) Has his department found that the proposed regulations are at odds with the (a) Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act, Act 53 of 2003 and (b) B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice?NW3312E.

2015-w2838 - 12 August 2015

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) With regard to the procurement of clothing, textiles, and leather goods, how many applications has his department received for exemption from the 100% local content requirement to import raw materials (2) What is the turnaround time for responding to the specified applications (3) Is his department considering ways of making the administrative process for establishing local content in the clothing, textiles and leather goods sector more (a) practical and (b) user friendly? NW 3311E

NW3312E - 07 August 2015

Malcolm John Figg to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Has his department had discussions with the National Treasury about the proposed new procurement regulations for tenders under R10 million; if so, what are the (a) substance of these discussions and (b) further relevant details; (2) has his department found that the proposed regulations are at odds with the (a) Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act, Act 53 of 2003 and (b) B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice?
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