NW1128E - 20 March 2015

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) With reference to the panel that his Deputy Minister assembled to advise him on the Black Industrialists Development Programme, what are the (a) names of the respective panelists, (b) positions of the specified panelists and (c) processes followed to select the specified panelists; (2) (a) on what date was the panel established and (b) how often has the specified panel met since its inception; (3) are any of the panelists remunerated; if so, by what amount; (4) what are the terms of reference for the specified panel?

NW1076E - 20 March 2015

Erik Johannes Marais to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With regard to the industrial development zone (IDZ) that has been declared in the Saldanha Bay area, what capital funding will his department (a) budget for to assist the local municipality to upgrade water supply facilities to meet demand for water by investors in the IDZ and (b) consider in the 2015-16 financial year to assist the local municipality to upgrade and build sanitation facilities in the IDZ?

NW1075E - 20 March 2015

Erik Johannes Marais to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With regard to the industrial development zone (IDZ) that has been declared in the Saldanha Bay area, (a) how many licenses have been approved for (i) companies or (ii) factories within the IDZ area and (b) what are the names of all companies that (i) have received approved licenses and (ii) whose licences are pending approval?

NW1050E - 20 March 2015

Sarel Jacobus Francois Marais to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What amount was spent by (a) his department and (b) state entities reporting to him on (i) tickets and (ii) sponsorships on The New Age Breakfast Briefings for the last three financial years?

NW1015E - 20 March 2015

Anchen Margaretha Dreyer to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether his department or the entities reporting to him provides any type of sponsorships; if not, what is his department’s position in this regard; if so, (a) what are the details of each sponsorship, (b) what is the value of each sponsorship, (c) when were each of these sponsorship deals undertaken and (d) when will each of the sponsorship deals end; (2) whether his department or any of the entities reporting to him intends to enter into any type of sponsorship deal or contract in the (a) 2015-16 and (b) 2016-17 financial years; if not, why not; if so, (i) with whom will each sponsorship deal or contract be made, (ii) what will the terms of each of the sponsorship deals or contracts be, (iii) when will each of the sponsorship deals or contracts (aa) commence and (bb) end and (iv) what is the value of each of the sponsorship deals or contracts?

NW1004E - 20 March 2015

Thembekile Richard Majola to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Since the reply to question 2028 on 13 September 2013, is there still a South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) choir; if so, (a) is it paid for by the SABC and (b) how much was budgeted for the SABC choir for the 2014-15 financial year; (2) does the choir sing songs about a certain person (name furnished) during staff meetings; if so, what are the words of the songs?

NW858E - 13 March 2015

Patrick George Atkinson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) What is the annual breakdown of the (a) costs of establishing the Centurion Aerospace Village since the inception of the project in 2010 and (b) details of such spending in each year since 2010; (2) when are the first tenants of the Centurion Aerospace Village expected to move to the specified site?

NW857E - 13 March 2015

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With reference to the Industrial Policy Action Plan, what inter-governmental (a) co-ordination and (b) communication has taken place regarding (i) electricity supply problems due to load-shedding, (ii) regulatory or red tape burdens, (iii) continuing high port charges and logistical inefficiencies and (iv) labour relations volatility?

NW856E - 13 March 2015

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) When will the forensic investigation that was launched after the disbandment of the National Gambling Board amid allegations of fraud, corruption and maladministration be completed; (2) will he make the report available to the public, (3) will he institute criminal proceedings against any board member(s) who are found to be implicated in criminal activity?

NW803E - 06 March 2015

Leon Willem De Bruin to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) How many (i) current and (ii) former senior employees of the State and any State entities including those reporting to him and to other members of the Cabinet as contained in the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, gained any shareholding by way of black economic empowerment, (b) who are these persons, (c) what positions did they occupy at the time of gaining the shareholding, (d) who are the companies and what is the extent of the shareholding gained?
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