NW2996E - 20 September 2013

Mlindi Advent Nhanha to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether South Africa has a set tariff for sugar imports; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether imported sugar still needs to be tested for local compliance with food labelling regulations; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW2868E - 20 September 2013

Lulama Smuts Ngonyama to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether he has found that trade links between South Africa and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) should be revisited; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW2906E - 20 September 2013

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether his department will be partaking in a trade fair in Zimbabwe in September or October 2013; if so, (a) what is the name of the trade fair, (b) what is the total cost of participation to his department, (c) which local municipalities were invited to participate, (d) which local companies are participating, (e) what is the total cost of participation for each partaking municipality and (f) what are the benefits of participation for the municipalities?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 27 Sep 2013

2421. Mr G G Hill-Lewis (DA) to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry: Whether his department will be partaking in a trade fair in Zimbabwe in September or October 2013; if so, (a) what is the name of the trade fair, (b) what is the total cost of participation to his department, (c) which local municipalities were invited to participate, (d) which local ...

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NW2888E - 20 September 2013

David John Maynier to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether the SA Council for the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (a) received an (i) import and (ii) export application, (b) issued an (i) import and (ii) export permit and (c)(i) received a manufacturing and services application and (ii) issued a manufacturing and services permit for any controlled good/s from and to Syria during the period 1 April 1994 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, why not; if so, in each specified case, (aa) when was the (aaa) application received and/or (bbb) permit issued, (bb) what (aaa) kind and (bbb) quantity of controlled goods were (aaaa) imported, (bbbb) exported and (cccc) manufactured and (cc) what was the value of the controlled good/s?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 27 Sep 2013

Question 2404: Mr D J Maynier (DA) to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry: Whether the SA Council for the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (a) received an (i) import and (ii) export application, (b) issued an (i) import and (ii) export permit and (c)(i) received a manufacturing and services application and (ii) issued a manufacturing and services permit for any controlled ...

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NW2907E - 20 September 2013

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) What was the rationale for the formulae for the calculation of the maximum interest rates applicable to the various credit products in the National Credit Act, Act 34 of 2005; (2) whether research has been conducted on the impact of these formulae for the calculation of maximum interest rates on the (a) number of impaired consumer profiles, (b) over-indebtedness generally and (c) effect on the poorest credit consumers particularly; if so, would he make such research available to Mr G G Hill-Lewis; (3) will he make a policy statement on whether he will support the revision of these formulae?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 30 Sep 2013

Question 2422 Mr G G Hill-Lewis (DA) to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry: (1) What was the rationale for the formulae for the calculation of the maximum interest rates applicable to the various credit products in the National Credit Act, Act 34 of 2005; (2) whether research has been conducted on the impact of these formulae for the calculation of maximum interest ...

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NW2971E - 20 September 2013

Suzan Roseline Berend to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether the Government envisages creating a protection (a) policy and (b) tariff for classified imported goods that impact on local productivity, farming, agriculture and manufacturing; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details with regard to (i) chickens, (ii) eggs and (iii) sugar; (2) whether the importation of such good and subsequent testing, labelling and warranties are in line with the Consumer Protection Act, Act 68 of 2008; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 30 Sep 2013

Question 2482 Ms S R Berend (Cope) to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry: (1) Whether the Government envisages creating a protection (a) policy and (b) tariff for classified imported goods that impact on local productivity, farming, agriculture and manufacturing; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details with regard to (i) chickens, (ii) eggs and (iii) sugar; (2) whether ...

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NW2704E - 23 August 2013

Graham Brian Douglas Mc Intosh to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

With reference to the institutional investors survey in the United States of America (USA) by a certain firm (name furnished) which found that 80% of institutional investors surveyed in the USA are unaware of investment opportunities in South Africa, what challenges are faced by South African role-players to attract foreign direct investments?

NW2692E - 23 August 2013

Juliana Danielle Kilian to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) With reference to the mandate of the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) to promote broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE), (a) what(i) is the specific mandate of the NEF, (ii) measures have his department put in place to ensure the NEF gives effect to the Government’s policies with regard to BBBEE and (iii) amounts have been transferred from his department to NEF in the (aa) 2011-12, (bb) 2012-13 and (cc) for the 2013-14 financial years, (b) which specific project were financed by the NEF in the specified financial years and (c) what were the specific amounts allocated to each of these project in the specified financial years; (2) whether any cap was placed on loan amounts to be granted by the NEF in order to specifically promote small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether the R34 million loan allocated to the owners of a certain fashion boutique (name furnished) complies with Government’s policy of BBBEE and the mandate of the NEF; if not, what intervention does his department intends to make to rectify the situation; if so, how is it justified; (4) whether the NEF is liquid enough to allocate funding to other projects; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) whether his department (a) has to recapitalise the NEF and (b) does it require National Treasury’s approval before the recapitalisation can take place; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW2571E - 16 August 2013

Emma More to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether any staff member in his department (a) performed work in addition to the responsibilities related to his or her work, outside normal working hours, in the (i) 2008-09, (ii) 2009-10, (iii) 2010-11, (iv) 2011-12 and (v) 2012-13 financial years and (b) has been performing such work during the period 1 April 2013 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, how is it determined whether such work is being performed or not; if so, in each case, (aa) how many staff members and (bb) in what job or work categories are the specified staff members employed; (2) whether approval for such work was obtained in each case; if not, what are the relevant details; if so, (a) what is the policy of his department in this regard, (b) by whom are such applications considered and approved, (c) how many contraventions of this policy were brought to the attention of his department in the (i) 2010-11, (ii) 2011-12 and (iii) 2012-13 financial years and (d) what steps have been taken against trans- gressors?

NW2538E - 16 August 2013

Masizole Mnqasela to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) Does his department prepare quarterly interim financial statements and (b) are these statements considered by the Audit Committee?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 23 Aug 2013

2116. Mr M Mnqasela (DA) to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry: (a) Does his department prepare quarterly interim financial statements and (b) are these statements considered by the Audit Committee? Reply The department prepares and submits quarterly interim financial statements as per National Treasury requirements. It is however, not a requirement for the Audit Committee to consider the interim financial statements.

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