CW722E - 11 November 2011

Dirk Benjamin Feldman to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether the Government has successfully increased employment in the manufacturing sector during the period 1 June 2007 to 30 June 2011; if not, why not; if so, what has been the development in this regard in each year?

NW3961E - 28 October 2011

Jacobus Frederik Smalle to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether the National Lotteries Board awarded any funds to (a) nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and (b) entities that did not (i) meet the required criteria of distributing agencies appointed by him and (ii) follow the correct procedure applicable in obtaining funding; if not, why not, in each case; if so, in each case (aa) what amount was allocated and (bb) to which NGOs and entities?

CW631E - 28 October 2011

Kenneth Andrew Sinclair to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether the Government has recorded the number of factories (a) with productive capacity and (b) without any such capacity that were lying idle from 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011, with a view to helping them to be operational again; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW3978E - 28 October 2011

Santosh Vinita Kalyan to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) What amount was awarded from the proceeds of the National Lottery to (i) animal welfare and (ii) animal welfare organisations in the (aa) 2009-10 and (bb) 2010-11 financial years and (b) how much did each organisation in each of these categories receive in each of the financial years?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 3 Nov 2011

a) No audit of infrastructure has been done since January 2012. The Department is utilizing the National Education Infrastructure Management System to determine backlogs as determined in the Guidelines Relating to Planning for Public School Infrastructure. Provinces are, however, continuously updating the data on completed projects and the department will also be undertaking an audit to update the database during the current financial year. ...

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NW3839E - 21 October 2011

Santosh Vinita Kalyan to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether the SA Bureau of Standards has any measures for testing the ecological friendliness of cleaning products and chemicals; if so, what are the relevant details; if not, why not; (2) what measures are currently used for testing cleaning products and chemicals for the South African market; (3) whether the degree of biodegradability of cleaning products and chemicals is specifically assessed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW3835E - 21 October 2011

Jacobus Frederik Smalle to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) How many items have been recalled by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications in the (a) 2009-10 and (b) 2010-11 financial years; (2) whether any of the specified items have been reintroduced into the market; if so, (3) whether approval was received from the SA Bureau of Standards (SABS) prior to reintroducing the specified items into the market; if not, what sanctions have been taken against manufacturers for reintroducing the specified items into the market without the approval of the SABS; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW3832E - 21 October 2011

Jacobus Frederik Smalle to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether any cases of bribery have been reported to (a) his department or (b) the National Lotteries Board (NLB) by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) concerning attempted bribery by distributing agents of NGOs; if so, how many cases were reported; if not, (2) whether any investigation will be conducted into this matter; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether his department investigated reported cases of bribery; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many cases, (b) what (i) were the outcomes of the investigation and (ii) actions are being taken against transgressors and (c) how many cases of bribery are still being investigated; (4) what action is (a) his department and (b) the NLB taking to prevent such cases from recurring in future?

NW3802E - 21 October 2011

Royith Baloo Bhoola to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether, with reference to the R2.9 million Lotto grant paid out to the Phoenix Heritage event by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund (NLDTF), he has been informed that (a)(i) 25 stalls were hired at R4 000 each and (ii) the event was sponsored by certain companies (details furnished) and (b) the total cost of the event would not exceed R120 000; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (2) whether he intends instructing the NLDTF to recall the unspent money; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he intends launching an investigation into this grant; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

CW597E - 21 October 2011

Dirk Benjamin Feldman to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether his department has been informed of various international trade agreements that forbid differential treatment of foreign-owned companies which are relative to local companies; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, how does the Government intend imposing local procurement targets on a certain company (name furnished) without also doing it to every other South African retailer?

CW564E - 14 October 2011

Kenneth Andrew Sinclair to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether an annual audit has been undertaken to monitor the growth and expansion of small, medium and micro enterprises with a view to building the country’s economic prosperity; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
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