NW3312E - 17 September 2010

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) (a) How many entities are currently listed on the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (Cipro) database and (b) for how many of these entities has Cipro listed (i) email addresses and (ii) numbers for sending short messages (SMSs) to the entities or their directors; (2) whether Cipro has adopted a policy to capture this information onto their database; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) to what extent does Cipro currently use forms of electronic communication to inform entities listed on the database of changes to their details on the database?

NW3289E - 17 September 2010

David John Maynier to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether any consultants were contracted to provide services in respect of the National Industrial Participation Programme related to the Strategic Defence Package; if not, why not; if so, in each specified case, (a) what is the name of the (i) person or (ii) company contracted, (b) what services were provided, (c) what is the title of the report, (d) what were the (i) key findings and (ii) key recommendations in the report and (e) what was the (i) total cost and (ii) breakdown of such costs to provide these services?

NW3184E - 13 September 2010

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether he intends restricting the reference to “black people” for the purpose of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, Act 53 of 2003, to only (a) South African citizens and/or (b) South African citizens belonging to certain groups that were living in the country before a certain date; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW3255E - 13 September 2010

A de W Alberts to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether his department made use of any consultants since the 2004-05 financial year; if so, (a) how many (i) consultants and (ii) consultancy firms were used in each financial year, (b) what are their names in each case, (c) what amounts were paid to each (i) consultant and (ii) consultancy firm in each financial year and (d) who are the directors of each of the consultancy firms used by his department since the 2004-05 financial year; (2) whether any of the consultants or consultancy firms were previously employed by his department; if so, (a) who are they, (b) why did they leave the employ of his department and (c) what is the total financial value of the remuneration paid to each such consultant?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 1 Oct 2010

Question 2605 Adv A de W Alberts (FF Plus) to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry: (1) Whether his department made use of any consultants since the 2004-05 financial year; if so, (a) how many (i) consultants and (ii) consultancy firms were used in each financial year, (b) what are their names in each case, (c) what amounts were paid to each (i) ...

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NW3085E - 03 September 2010

Deidre Carter to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether the Government is preparing any policy or plan to get all new vehicles sold locally to be Euro 5-compliant by any specified date; if not, why not; if so, (a) what policy or plan and (b) what is the timetable for implementation?

NW3084E - 03 September 2010

Deidre Carter to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether the Government had (a) put plans in place and (b) implemented plans to ensure that there would be a regular supply of suitable fuel before requiring that manufacturers produce less-polluting engines for motor vehicles (details furnished); if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

NW3017E - 03 September 2010

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) (a) What have caused the delay in setting up the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Advisory Council as provided for in the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, Act 53 of 2003 and (b) on what dates have the advisory council and its subcommittees meet since its inception; (2) whether there are any members of the advisory council that have been unable to attend any of its meetings or those of its sub-committees; if so, what are the relevant details in this regard; (3) whether the advisory council adopted any reports or motions to date in terms of section 5 of the Act; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) what has been the total amount in expenses that have been incurred as at the latest specified date (a) by and/or (b) for the advisory council and its sub-committees?

NW3012E - 03 September 2010

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) In each financial year since the inception of the co-operatives incentive scheme (CIS), (i) how many co-operatives have been assisted by CIS and (ii) what is the total amount of grants issued under CIS and (b) what is the average number of members of those co-operatives that have been assisted through CIS?

NW3011E - 03 September 2010

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (Cipro) has placed any advertisements over the past three years to inform companies of their obligation to submit annual returns in respect of their registered companies; if not, why not; if so, (a) in which publications were these advertisements placed, (b) on what dates were they advertised and (c) what was the cost of these advertisements?

NW3010E - 03 September 2010

Nicolaas Deetlefs Du Toit to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether he intends adjusting the wheat tariff to make provision for the gap between (a) production costs and (b) import price parity for the next planting season; if not, why not; if so (i) when is it anticipated that this will be done, (ii) what are the reasons for the delay in the announcement and (iii) what are the further relevant details?
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