NW609E - 05 March 2010

Cheryllyn Dudley to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether he has been informed that there is confusion about closed corporations having to re-register every year, since they were not required to do so in the past; if so, (2) whether he has been informed (a) about the capacity problems with regard to the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office of SA (CIPRO) website and (b) that companies are fined or de-registered for not lodging returns after having their electronically-submitted returns rejected; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what measures are being taken (i) to ensure access to CIPRO and (ii) to communicate with companies in order to (aa) clarify and address the situation, (bb) rectify problems and (cc) waive unfair fines?

CW43E - 26 February 2010

Elizabeth Christina Van Lingen to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) Whether his deputy ministers have conducted any investigations and/or site visits on SMME development and support since May 2009; if not, why not; if so, (a)(i) how many site visits and (ii) which projects were visited and (b)(i) what are the details of the problems encountered during the visits to the sites and (ii) where were these problems experienced; (2) whether any plan of action has been compiled; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW524E - 26 February 2010

Pierre Jacques Rabie to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether a deadline has been set for the establishment of a permanent secretariat for the newly appointed BEE Advisory Council; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

NW422E - 26 February 2010

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(a) What (i) vehicles, (ii) aircraft and (iii) properties are currently owned by his department and (b) with regard to each item, (i) when was it purchased, (ii) how much did it cost and (iii) for what reason was it purchased?

NW421E - 26 February 2010

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) (a) What are the (i) periods, (ii) purpose, (iii) costs and (iv) other expenses incurred relating to each trip undertaken by the chief executive officer (CEO) of the Companies and Intellectual Properties Registration Office (Cipro) in representing Cipro since 1 January 2008, (b) what amounts were paid by (i) Cipro and (ii) any other institutions for each of these trips and (c) for what reason in each case; (2) in respect of (a) 2007, (b) 2008 and (c) 2009, what (i) was the number of days that the CEO of CIPRO was not in the office and (ii) was the reason for his absenteeism for each of these days?

NW420E - 26 February 2010

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) (a) Which clothing and textile manufacturers were assisted through the Clothing and Textile Competitiveness Programme, (b) on what dates were they assisted, (c) what was the (i) nature and (ii) monetary amount of the assistance, (d) how many jobs were involved in each case and (e) what are the contact details of the manufacturers concerned in each case; (2) whether any study has been done to assess the effectiveness of the assistance given through the Clothing and Textile Competitiveness Programme; if not, why not; if so, what were the findings?

NW226E - 26 February 2010

Sarel Jacobus Francois Marais to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1) What number of applications were (a) received and (b) approved by his department for the (i) Enterprise Investment Programme (EIP) scheme and (ii) Tourism Support Programme (TSP) (aa) in the 2008-09 financial year and (bb) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available in each case and (c) what was the actual turnaround time from the time of application up to when actual pay-out was made; (2) (a) what was the quantum of pay-outs in the 2008-09 financial year, (b) what amount was (i) budgeted for the 2009-10 financial year and (ii) paid out at the latest specified date for which information is available and (c) what amount will be budgeted for the 2010-11 financial year; (3) whether any actual investments materialised as a result of the EIP; if not, why not; if so, what was/is the (a) quantum, (b) volume, (c) Black Economic Empowerment status and (d) number of (i) foreign and (ii) local investors; (4) how many (a) job opportunities were created as a direct result of the EIP, (b) EIP applications were received for projects smaller than R5 million and (c) EIP applicants made use of consultants; (5) what is the quantum of legal costs incurred by his department to defend cases made by aggrieved organisations as a result of the EIP effects (a)(i) in the 2007-08 and (ii) 2008-09 financial years and (b) during the period 1 April 2009 up to the latest specified date for which information is available?

NW3064E - 20 November 2009

Sarel Jacobus Francois Marais to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

What was the total cost of (a) hotel accommodation, (b) entertainment, (c) flight and (d) transport in respect of all candidates who were interviewed for appointment to the National Lotteries Board?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 22 Feb 2010

The department did not bear any costs as interviews for the National Lotteries Board were conducted by the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry.

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NW3063E - 20 November 2009

Sarel Jacobus Francois Marais to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether, with reference to his reply to written Question 1180 on 22 September 2009, his Deputy Ministers have purchased new vehicles or intend doing so; if not, what is the value of the vehicles they are currently using; if so, (a) why, (b) what make and model are the vehicles he intends purchasing or had purchased, (c) what did the vehicles cost and (d) what (i) accessories will be or were included in excess of the vehicles’ purchase price and (ii) was or will be the cost of such accessories?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 22 Feb 2010

a) Deputy Minister Tobias will replace both the vehicles allocated to her, as they have not only exceeded 120 000 kilometres prescribed in the Ministerial Handbook but are also presenting mechanical problems. Deputy Minister Ntuli will replace one of the vehicles allocated to her, as it has not only exceeded 120 000 kilometres prescribed in the Ministerial Handbook but is also presenting mechanical problems. ...

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NW3047E - 20 November 2009

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether the current incumbent of the post of Chief Information Officer of the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (Cipro) was appointed on a salary scale within the salary band as advertised in August 2007; if not, (a) by how much did the final all-inclusive salary deviate from the advertised amounts, (b) who authorised this deviation and (c) on what grounds was this decision made?

Reply from the Minister of Trade and Industry on 22 Feb 2010

(a) Cipro indicated that there was a difference of R43 770.00 per annum deviation from the advertised salary. (b) The deviation was approved by the former Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Mandisi Mpahlwa (c) Cipro advised that the decision was based on the fact that suitable candidates could not be found for almost a year due to non-market related salaries; relocation costs would ...

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