2021-w1245 - 04 June 2021

Mkhuleko Hlengwa to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

Whether his department has taken any formal steps to secure international co-operation on access to patents and technology for the Republic on the production of COVID-19 vaccines; if not, why not; if so, what (a) are the relevant details, (b) inroads have been made and (c) are the challenges?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 4 Jun 2021

Yes, the Department has taken formal steps to secure international cooperation on access to patents and technology for the Republic on the production of Covid-19 vaccines. In October 2020 South Africa and India tabled a proposal at the WTO calling for a temporary waiver of intellectual property rights of certain provisions of the TRIPS Agreement. Work has been done with both DIRCO and with ...

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2021-w1123 - 04 June 2021

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

(a) With reference to his reply to question 139 on 1 March 2021, who was awarded the tender out of the 19 bidders and (b) will he furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a copy of the (i) inception report, (ii) literature review and stakeholder mapping, (iii) data collection, (iv) desktop research stakeholder engagement and interviews and (v) draft report? [

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 4 Jun 2021

I have submitted the question to the National Lotteries Commission for a reply.

In a letter dated 14 May 2021, NLC Commissioner, Ms T Mampane advised me that “The report is a confidential disclosure to Parliament in terms of Regulation 8 of the Lotteries Act, No. 57 of 1997, as amended. This document is intended for the internal use of NLC only and may ...

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2021-w1306 - 04 June 2021

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

(1) On what date was the internal report into corruption in the National Lotteries Commission by Sekela Xabiso audit firm due to be completed; (2) (a) what are the reasons that the report has not yet been presented to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition and (b) on what date will the report be presented to the specified committee; (3) what amount has been paid to the specified audit firm thus far; (4) whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a detailed breakdown of the R36,5 million budgeted for the investigation in question; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 4 Jun 2021

The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) did not appoint Sekela Xabiso to conduct an investigation. The company was appointed by the NLC and attached herewith is the response from the NLC regarding the matter. Below is the reply to the question, submitted by Ms Thabang Mampane, Commissioner of the National Lotteries Commission.

1. “The Board of the NLC initiated ...

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2021-w1145 - 04 June 2021

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 466 on 19 March 2021, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a detailed breakdown of the R31 356 005, 33 expenditure relating to a certain company (name furnished) in (a) 2015, (b) 2016 and (c) 2017; if not, why not; if so, by what date? [

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 4 Jun 2021

I have been furnished with a reply to the question submitted, by Ms Thabang Mampane, Commissioner of the National Lotteries Commission.

Ms Mampane’s reply is as follows:








Educating the public by explaining the process, requirements and qualifications relating to the application for grants in terms section 2(5)(a)(i) of the Lotteries Act - Call for ...

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2021-w695 - 06 April 2021

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What (a) is the total amount that the National Lotteries Commission paid in legal expenses to outside service providers (i) in the (i) 2016-17, (ii) 2017-18, (iii) 2018-19 and (iv) 2019-20 financial years, (b) is the budget forecast for the 2020-21 financial year and (c) is the (i) breakdown of law firms that were used and (ii) total amount that was paid to each of law firm?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 6 Apr 2021

I have been furnished with a reply to the question submitted, by Ms Thabang Mampane, Commissioner of the National Lotteries Commission. I have requested the NLC provides a breakdown of the legal matters dealt with by the Commission and the total sum expanded on each specific legal matter, together with details of the law firm appointed.

Ms Mampane’s reply is as follows:

a) “The ...

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2021-w694 - 06 April 2021

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What was the marketing budget of the National Lotteries Commission in each of the past 10 financial years?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 6 Apr 2021

I have been furnished with a reply to the question submitted, by Ms Thabang Mampane, Commissioner of the National Lotteries Commission.

Ms Mampane’s reply is as follows:













Information unavailable

31 819’

23 085’

40 075’

22 825’

29 179’

30 652’

59 121’



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2021-w693 - 06 April 2021

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What (a) is the total amount that was spent by the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) on advertising placement and/or media spend over the past 10 financial years, (b) are the names of the media houses and/or publications in which the NLC purchased advertising placements over the past 10 years and (c) are the relevant annual amounts spent by the NLC on each media house and/or publication?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 6 Apr 2021

I want to bring to the Honorable Member’s attention that this reply is the same to PQ 466 asked by the member on 26 February 2021.

Ms Thabang Mampane, Commissioner of the National Lotteries Commission has furnished me with the reply to the question submitted.

Ms Mampane’s reply is as follows:













R’000 ...

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2021-w475 - 19 March 2021

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

(1)Whether, with reference to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), and the requirement that member states should complete their tariff reduction schedules and finalise essential rules of origin by July 2021, (a) the Republic has submitted the tariff reduction schedule and (b) will she furnish Mr MJ Cuthbert with a copy of the tariff reduction and rules; if not, why not; if so, on what date; (2) whether the Republic has submitted its position on rules of origin to the (AfCFTA) Secretariat; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether the Republic has pledged any funds to the AfCFTA Secretariat; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what amount has been pledged and (b) for what purpose?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 19 Mar 2021

1.(a) SA, together with Members of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU), has submitted a tariff offer to AU Members. The SACU offer is conditional on receiving a reciprocal offer from AU trading partners as required by the AU Summit Decision of 5 December 2020. A copy of the offer may be accessed at http://www.thedtic.gov.za/wp-content/uploads/LSec-CE-TA-2020-072December2020.pdf

2. South Africa, together with Members of SACU, has ...

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2021-w689 - 19 March 2021

Sibongiseni Ngcobo to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

Whether (a) his department and (b) any entity reporting to him make use of private security firms; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, what is the (i) name of each firm, (ii) purpose, (iii) value and (iv) duration of each specified contract?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 19 Mar 2021

  1. Yes, as set out below:

i. Name of Firm

ii. Purpose

iii. Value in Rand of Contract

iv. Duration of contract

Dibakoane Security (Pty) Ltd

Physical Guarding Security of Block G to protect Government assets and all occupants of Block G.

Total Value

R3 467 444.05

3 years.

Procurement through a bid process

Rainprop (RF) (Pty) Ltd

Physical and monitoring security of the dtic ...

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2021-w595 - 19 March 2021

Russel Nsikayezwe Cebekhulu to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

Given that the African Growth and Opportunity Act, popularly known as the AGOA, which allows most sub-Saharan African countries duty-free access to the American market for almost 7,000 products is due to expire in 2025, and the fact that South Africa’s preferential market access to the United States of America is under review, what measures has he put in place to ensure that the outcomes of the discussions between South African officials with their American counterparts are favourable to the South African market?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 19 Mar 2021

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), enacted by the US Congress in 2000, extends preferential market access to the US market for around 5 235 products from eligible countries in Sub Saharan Africa. South Africa is a beneficiary country under AGOA. AGOA has been extended twice in 2008 and again in 2015 and the current term of AGOA continues until 2025. A decision ...

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