2022-w2363 - 16 September 2022

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What are the details of the fees earned by the board members of the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) for their involvement in licence bid evaluations? 2) What number of meetings did each board member attend during the last bid evaluation which resulted in Ithuba being awarded the lottery operator licence? 3) What is the (a) name of each board member who was involved and (b) total amount that each member earned during the previous licence adjudication? 4) What have previous and/or current board members earned to date for attending meetings and/or other tasks related to the current adjudication for the new licence due to be awarded in 2023? 5) What amount has the NLC budgeted to pay board members for their role in adjudicating the new licence?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 16 Sep 2022

The previous Commissioner of the National Lotteries Commission (NLC), had furnished me with the following response to the questions:

1. The Board members earned meeting fees for bid evaluations as detailed under Question 3.

2. What number of meetings did each board member attend during the last bid evaluation which resulted in Ithuba being awarded the lottery operator licence?




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2022-w2362 - 16 September 2022

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What are the details of the (a) board fees, (b) provident fund, (c) travel allowance, (d) cell phone allowance and (e) bonuses for the board members of the National Lotteries Commission in the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2020-21 and (iii) 2021-22 financial years? [

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 16 Sep 2022

The National Lotteries Commission has furnished me with the following response to the question, for the period to the end of the 2021/22 financial year.

a) Board Fees


i) 2019/20

ii) 2020/21

iii) 2021/22





Prof NA Nevhutanda

1 572



Adv. WE Huma




Prof YN Gordhan

1 106

1 133

1 755

Dr MA ...

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2022-w2273 - 01 July 2022

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

With reference to the directive issued by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy to the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications on 18 February 2020, what are the reasons that the process to strengthen existing and introduce new minimum energy performance standards has stalled after the successes of those introduced by VC 9006 and VC 9008, which have resulted in major energy savings on water heaters and other household appliances; 2) by what date is it envisaged that the process to strengthen existing and introduce new minimum energy performance standards will progress?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 1 Jul 2022

The Department has provided a brief report on the work done on updating the previously approved standards. It does not adequately explain the need for the time taken and I have requested a more detailed reply. A supplementary reply will be furnished within a week.

I have also requested the Department to review the processes to ensure that they are not cumbersome and that ...

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2022-w2272 - 01 July 2022

Dean William Macpherson to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What is the current status of the development of policy measures (i) VC 9109 and (ii) VC 9110 by his department, as gazetted on 1 March 2021, to transition our domestic lighting away from old, outdated and inefficient lighting technologies that often get dumped in our market, to newer and more energy-efficient technologies such as light-emitting diode bulbs and (b) by what date is it envisaged that the new policy measures will be adopted; 2) whether he intends to table the proposed new policy measures in the National Assembly for its consideration and input prior to adopting them; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 1 Jul 2022

1. I am advised that the proposed specifications were published for public comment and that the dtic has considered the comments and is currently finalizing the publication of the Compulsory Specification for Performance of general service lamps (VC 9109); and the Safety of general service lamps (VC 9110).

The new specifications are expected to be published in the Government Gazette by September 2022.

2. ...

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2022-w2251 - 01 July 2022

Frederik Jacobus Mulder to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

(a) Which development projects, such as Yekani Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd in East London, were established with the financial support of the Industrial Development Corporation during the past 10 financial years, (b) what were the amounts that were invested in each project, (c) which of the specified endeavours have since failed and (d) what are the reasons for their failure in each case; (2) Whether he will make a statement on the matter?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 1 Jul 2022

The IDC provides funding for companies based on the mandate to industrialise the economy and support broadening the base of the economy. A number of IDC investments are successful whilst some projects fail, for a range of reasons. These reasons may include changes in market conditions resulting in changes in either demand or costs, failure by investors to adhere to their commitments and counter-party ...

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2022-w2277 - 01 July 2022

Erik Johannes Marais to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What (a) is the name of each company that has invested in the Saldanha Special Industrial Development Zone, (b) is the total amount in Rands that each company has invested to date and (c) are the details of the industry and/or business that each company conducts? [

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 1 Jul 2022

I advise the Honourable Member that the management of the SEZ is with the Provincial government and queries should be directed to the appropriate sphere.

To assist with the question, the Department sent the question to the CEO of Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone (IDZ), who provided the following information:


Investor Names


Investment Amount



Industry / Sector


Status of ...

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2022-w2194 - 01 July 2022

Adrian Christopher Roos to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1293 on 18 November 2019, wherein he indicated that the second phase of the Ekandustria Revitalisation Programme has not been initiated as yet pending funding approval, the second phase of the programme has been started and/or completed; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what date did it commence and/or was it completed; (2) (a) what was the quantum of budget set aside for the specified programme in the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2020-21 and (iii) 2021-22 financial years, (b) what phases and deliverables were completed in the specified financial years for the programme, (c) what further phases and deliverables are planned for the (i) 2022-23 and (ii) 2023-24 financial years and (d) what are the budgetary estimates for expenditure in the 2022-23 and 2023-24 financial years for the programme?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 1 Jul 2022

Industrial Parks fall within the responsibility of Provinces and in some instances, municipalities. The dtic considers requests for funding for infrastructure improvements, typically on areas such as fencing and security. The Department has tabled a report on SEZs and Industrial Parks at the Portfolio Committee of Trade and Industry, addressing the challenges with the existing model and the need for reform.

The Department has ...

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2022-w2322 - 01 July 2022

Mathibe Rebecca Mohlala to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

(1)Whether the Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone is still within its project timelines and scope; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of the current status of the project; (2) whether the issue of the Environmental Impact Assessment has been resolved; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) of the 21 000 jobs envisaged to be created by the project, what total number of (a) jobs are going to benefit the residents of Limpopo and (b) businesses from Limpopo stand to benefit?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 1 Jul 2022

The project is under the control and management of the Limpopo province.

The Department has contacted the CEO of Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone (MMSEZ) in order to respond to the questions posed, and the CEO has furnished the department with the following reply:

1. The project is behind schedule due to delays in the process of securing Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) authorisation on time. ...

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2022-w2015 - 17 June 2022

Annacleta Mathapelo Siwisa to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What (a) actions does his department intend to take against scrap yard owners who buy stolen cables from criminals and (b) intervention measures will be put in place to ensure that no scrap yard is allowed to buy stolen cables in future? [

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 17 Jun 2022

During the Budget Vote on Trade and Industry, I noted that building an enabling environment for industrialisation requires securing our key network infrastructure, such as energy and logistics, and protecting our electrical grid and rail network from the continued threat of scrap metal syndicates. I committed that by the end of July, the Department will have developed and tabled a draft policy on scrap ...

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2022-w2118 - 17 June 2022

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with the final list of the beneficiaries of the R210 million COVID-19 Relief Fund; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on 17 Jun 2022

The question replied to in PQ 1464 dated 22 April 2022. See submitted reply below.

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