2015-w413 - 24 March 2015

Kenneth Sililo Mubu to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) With reference to the S'hamba Sonke Dedicated Road Maintenance Fund, (a) what is the total allocations for each year over the proposed three-year period for which the fund is intended to run, (b) what are the (i) names of the (aa) implementing authorities and (bb) subcontractors of these authorities and (c) what is the total number of jobs which are expected to be created; (2) whether the funding to the provinces is in addition to the funds annually budgeted for out of the provinces' equitable share; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (3) whether her department has put in place (a) criteria for accessing and prioritising these funds and (b) any monetary mechanisms to ensure effective spending; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (4) whether she has been informed of any province which has appropriated funds from the conditional grants of the S'hamba Sonke Dedicated Road Maintenance Fund outside their intended purposes; if not, (i) what is the position in this regard; if so, (ii) what are the relevant details in each case?

2015-w576 - 24 March 2015

Christian Hans Heinrich Hunsinger to ask the Minister of Transport:

National AssemblyQuestion Number: 576Mu C H K Hunsinger (DAJ to ask the Minister of Transport: Are official forms being (i) photocopied and (ii) supplied to the public at various licensing offices; if so, why, (b) since when have such forms been supplied to the public, (c) what has been the cost of photocopying these forms and (d) what are the costs of photocopying these forms for each province? NW656EReply (a) i. The National Road Traffic Act (NRTA) forms as published in the schedule of forms (volume 1) are the only forms approved for use at DLTC's, vehicle testing stations and registering authorities. Published forms should not be copied for use at the Registering Authorities and all other vehicle and licencing centres in South Africa.ii. Yes, when a member of public visits our various licensing offices they are provided with only the approved and published forms as per the NRTA and there should not be any copies provided to the public.(b) Since the implementation relating to road traffic management.(c) Department of Transport is not aware of any photocopying of the forms and the costs related thereto.(d) Falls away

2015-w757 - 23 March 2015

Christian Hans Heinrich Hunsinger to ask the Minister of Transport:

How many summons have been filed against the SA Civil Aviation Authority (SACCAA) in the (i) 2011- 2012, (ii) 2012-2013 and (iii) 2013-2014 financial years, (b) what is the nature of each summons, (c) what are the details of the summons against the SACCA Certification Department and (e) at what stage is each of these summonses?

2015-w759 - 23 March 2015

Kenneth Sililo Mubu to ask the Minister of Transport:

(a) How many persons have graduated from the SA Taxi Counal Driver Training Academy since its inception, (b) what (i) processes, (ii) procedures and (iii) mechanisms exist to monitor improvement in driving by these graduates and (c) what has been the costs to her department in this regard to date?

2015-w750 - 23 March 2015

Manuel Simão Franca De Freitas to ask the Minister of Transport:

(a) What are the statistics for all motor vehicle accidents in each month by category, where seat belts were used for (i) drivers and (ii) passengers in the (aa) 2011-12, (bb) 2012-13 and (cc) 2013-14 financial years and (b) what is her department doing to educate South Africans on the benefits of using seat belts?

2015-w756 - 23 March 2015

Christian Hans Heinrich Hunsinger to ask the Minister of Transport:

Based on information available by Al A1 Jazeera in the spy Cable: Decoded, have any investigation been undertaken with regard to the theft of pilot exams for the SA Civil Aviation Authority, if so, (a) when did such investigations (i) commence and (ii) end. (b) who conducted these investigations, (c) what were the findings and results of these investigations and (d)(i) what charges were brought and (ii) against whom were such charges brought?

2015-w410 - 17 March 2015

Suhla James Masango to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) (a) How many new appointments were made at the Air Traffic and Navigation Services in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed; (2) were (a) the positions advertised in the press and (b) standard recruitment processes followed; if not, why not, in each case; if so, (i) how many applications were received for each advertised position, (ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed and (iii) what level of remuneration will be paid to the persons who were appointed; (3) whether vacant posts were also advertised internally; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many positions were filled internally and (b) what are the names of the incumbents; (4) (a) how many staff members are currently in an acting capacity and (b) in each case, (i) in what positions are they acting and (ii) for what reason?

2015-w409 - 17 March 2015

Suhla James Masango to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) (a) How many new appointments were made at the Airports Company South Africa in the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed; (2) were (a) the positions advertised in the press and (b) standard recruitment processes followed; if not, why not, in each case; if so, (i) how many applications were received for each advertised position, (ii) what was the highest qualification for the persons who were appointed and (iii) what level of remuneration will be paid to the persons who were appointed; (3) whether vacant posts were also advertised internally; if not, why not; if so. (a) how many positions were filled internally and (b) what are the names of the incumbents; (4) (a) how many staff members are currently in an acting capacity and (b) in each case, (i) in what positions are tey acting and (ii) for what reason?

2015-w412 - 17 March 2015

Kenneth Sililo Mubu to ask the Minister of Transport:

(1) a) How many new appointments were made at the Railway Safety Regulator In the (i) 2011-12, (ii) 2012-13 and (iii) 2013-14 financial years and (b) in each case, (i) what are the names of the appointees and (ii) in which positions were they appointed;

2014-w1985 - 09 December 2014

Lungiswa Veronica James to ask the Minister of Transport:

Why are there delays in the issuing of licenses by the SA Maritime Safety Authority?
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