2023-w1122 - 02 May 2023

Pieter Mey to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether his department has been informed that the residents of the Heidelberg and Ratanda areas in the Lesedi Local Municipality in Gauteng, have been without an adequate water supply for several weeks due to Rand Water’s inability to provide water to the specified communities; if not, why not; if so, what measures are being taken by his department to intervene in the specified matter, including the possibility of exempting the relevant water pump stations from electricity load shedding; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 2 May 2023

1.  The Department has been informed of the water supply challenges in Heidelberg and Ratanda areas. The City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) supplies electricity to the pumpstation which is operated by the Rand Water.). Rand Water and CoE are in discussion regarding efficient and sustainable electricity supply to this infrastructure. The options being explored include:

  • Exemption of this water supply infrastructure from load shedding by ...
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2023-w1317 - 02 May 2023

Mathibe Rebecca Mohlala to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What (a) number of directives have been issued against transgressing municipalities that fail to manage sewage and effluent polluting major water sources for the period 2021 to date and (b) is the breakdown of the (i) directives issued, (ii) consequences thereof and (iii) follow-up assessments in each province?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 2 May 2023

a) Since January 2021 to date, a total of eighty-three (83) directives have been issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) against municipalities that have failed to manage sewage and causing pollution.

b) (i) The table below depicts a breakdown of the directives issued per province.

Enforcement Actions taken against non-compliant Municipalities *since January 2021 to date

Responsible Regional Office

*NWA Notices Issued ...

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2023-w765 - 02 May 2023

Leonard Jones Basson to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What is the breakdown of the costs to his department of the water infrastructure backlog in each province; (2) what (a) number of litres are lost in each day as a result of water infrastructure failures and (b) is the estimated cost related to water theft?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 2 May 2023

1.  The projections for capital requirement to address the water infrastructure backlogs over the next 10 years include (a) refurbishment and renewal of ageing infrastructure; (b) upgrades to serve increases in service levels and sustain effective service delivery; as well as (c) new infrastructure for growing human settlements and new economic nodes. The estimated cost requirement is R89,9 billion per annum over the next ...

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2023-w508 - 02 May 2023

Brett Norton Herron to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What are the most recent details of the (a) progress of the Umzimvubu Water Project located in the Eastern Cape and (b) timeline the project is following and (c) measures his department has taken to ensure community collaboration and input on the project; (2) what number of (a) communities will be supplied with (i) electricity and (ii) clean water by the project and (b) projected economic opportunities in the form of jobs is the project expected to create; (3) whether there are any geographical and/or environmental flaws like soil sedimentation and/or rainfall issues facing the project; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 2 May 2023

1. (a) Delays in implementation of Stage 2 to 4 of the project were due to funding constraints. Consequently, the Department explored alternative options for implementation through an RFI process. Prior to the finalisation of this process, engagements between the Department and National Treasury resulted in a decision to fund the project through direct funding from the fiscus as this was a more feasible ...

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2023-w1136 - 02 May 2023

Sbuyiselwe Angela Buthelezi to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What are the relevant details of the (a) memorandum of understanding (MoU) that was signed between the Government and Finland and (b) renewed MoU with the Netherlands?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 2 May 2023

a) The memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Government of Finland and Republic of South Africa was signed at the United Nations (UN) Water Summit in New York on 22 March 2023. The MoU focuses on water resource management with the following as agreed areas of cooperation:

  • Adaptation and mitigation of climate change in water resources management.
  • Transboundary water management.
  • Water supply services covering supply, ...
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2023-w957 - 25 April 2023

Sbuyiselwe Angela Buthelezi to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)With reference to the microbial contamination from faecal pollutants in most of the rivers and dams of the Republic, what steps has his department taken to rigorously improve the wastewater treatment plants in the Republic; (2) whether there will be any consequence management measures taken against the persons found to be responsible to ensure that accountability practices for oversight are met; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 25 Apr 2023

(1) The Department of Water and Sanitation’s (DWS) 2022 Green Drop Report provided a detailed overview of the state of wastewater management in the country. The findings of the report presented a concerning trend across the country which showed that wastewater management has deteriorated notably since 2014.

Water Service Authorities responsible for wastewater collection and treatment systems that achieved less than 30% during Green ...

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2023-w1167 - 21 April 2023

Khanya Ceza to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether he received any complaints regarding potable water quality in the (a) Steve Tshwete Local Municipality and (b) Emalahleni Local Municipality as a result of coal mining in the surrounding area; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (i) steps has his department taken to solve the water quality problem and (ii) are the further relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 21 Apr 2023



a)  There are no recent complaints regarding potable water quality that were received by the Department of Water and Sanitation from the Steve Tshwete Local Municipality. All previously reported cases were closed after the municipality implemented corrective measures to address the reported complaints.

b) The Department received complaints regarding poor water quality in Emalahleni Local Municipality and has initiated an investigation. The ...

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2023-w1214 - 21 April 2023

Samantha Jane Graham to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1) What (a) total number of boreholes for the provision of water are in each town in the Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality, (b) number of the boreholes are not working optimally, (c) are the plans have been put in place for the repairs to the boreholes that are not working, (d) are the time frames for the repairs to restore the boreholes to operation. (2)whether the telemetry system for each town is fully operational; if not, why not; if so, what are the water losses recorded and reported by the municipality?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 21 Apr 2023

1. The details for boreholes in the Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality are indicated in the table below:



a) Total number of boreholes


(b) Non-operational boreholes and reasons thereof

(c) Plans in place

(d) Timeframe for repairs




3 - due to flooding – electrical damage:

To be replaced by municipality when budget is available

2023-24 financial year

Nieu-Bethesda ...

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2023-w1267 - 21 April 2023

Mogamad Ganief Ebrahim Hendricks to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether he has been informed of complaints of dangerous mining chemicals which are polluting the water stream and the environment in areas such as the Wonderfontein Catchment Area in the Merafong City Local Municipality; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he has been informed of allegations that some government officials and politicians are colluding with mining bosses responsible for polluting the waterways; if not, why not; if so, (3) whether any of the implicated government officials and politicians have been investigated; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether any steps will be taken to stop residents in Potchefstroom and Ventersdorp from drinking the polluted water and catching fish from there; if not, why not; if so, what steps?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 21 Apr 2023

1. No, my department is not aware of any complaints pertaining to dangerous mining chemicals polluting a water stream and the environment in the Wonderfontein Catchment Area. However, there are various platforms available to report such incidents through the DWS Hotline 0800 200 200 or via email: customercare@dws.gov.za or directly to officials (whose contact details are also on the internet webpage under customer care ...

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2023-w563 - 21 April 2023

Mookgo Maria Matuba to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What (a) steps has his department taken to eliminate underspending by the end of the 2022-23 financial year and (b) were the root causes of underspending in his department?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 21 Apr 2023

a) The Department has put in place internal control processes to continuously curb underspending including:

  • Increased focus on forecast controls over expenditure commitments for projects in year and over the Medium Term Expenditure Framework to mitigate risks of under expenditure.
  • Stringent expenditure controls for sound financial management principles, ensuring that public resources are utilized efficiently; incurred obligations are cleared in a timely manner; and abuse/misappropriation ...
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