2023-w562 - 13 April 2023

Magdalene Louisa Pietersen to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(a) What is the total number of historically disadvantaged persons and communities that have benefited from water use licences in terms of geographical spread issued by his department and (b) in which provinces has his department issued the highest number of licences?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 13 Apr 2023

a)  The total number of licences issued to historically disadvantaged persons and communities is as follows:



Eastern Cape


Free State










North West


Northern Cape


Western Cape


Grand Total


b) KwaZulu-Natal province is where the highest number of licences were issued ...

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2023-w520 - 13 April 2023

Sbuyiselwe Angela Buthelezi to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With reference to the opening of two more dams at the Vaal Dam which could result in the higher possibility of a flood, what (a) measures does his department have in place in terms of developing a flood preparedness plan and implementation of flood monitoring and forecasting systems to counter the impact on surrounding communities that may be affected and (b) alarm measures have been implemented and exposed to the communities around the dam?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 13 Apr 2023

Ahead of the opening of two more gates at Vaal Dam, warnings were issued to the public through various media platforms and an official media statement issued by the department.

a) Development of a flood preparedness plan takes place every year before the rainy season. The implementation of flood monitoring and forecasting systems is a continuous process that the department uses to monitor the ...

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2023-w532 - 13 April 2023

Mathibe Rebecca Mohlala to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What challenges has his department encountered in its efforts to eradicate the bucket system in the (a) Northern Cape and (b) Free State?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 13 Apr 2023

In the Free State there are 10 202 buckets that are still to be eradicated. Contractors were appointed for the remaining seven (7) projects and contractors are currently on site. Several sections of the outfall sewer line have been completed whilst others are in progress. Work on the construction of pumpstations in the respective projects has also commenced.

Whilst the challenges are common in ...

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2023-w647 - 04 April 2023

Khanya Ceza to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether he has instituted any investigation into allegations of fraud and maladministration by officials in his department’s finance division in relation to water allocation and use that is reserved for blacks for their own farming operations in Groot-Marico, and that a certain person (name furnished) has been using the water for his own farming operations; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 4 Apr 2023

The Department of Water and Sanitation is aware of the allegations and referred the matter to the Internal Audit Unit for investigation.


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2023-w659 - 30 March 2023

Mathibe Rebecca Mohlala to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What (a) steps has his department taken to (i) reduce the effects of climate change and global warming on water scarcity and (ii) intervene to stop the increase of water pollution and (b) are the further relevant details of steps taken in this regard?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 30 Mar 2023

(i)  The department is mainstreaming climate change and response into planning (project design), implementation, and management of water resources. The implementation of climate risk assessment and management is done through systematically assessing, addressing, and adaptively managing climate risks in new strategies, projects, and activities, thus facilitating climate resilience to both prevailing and projected future climates. This is guided by the Water and Sanitation Sector ...

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2023-w554 - 30 March 2023

Nicholas George Myburgh to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What (a) was the total cost of the interventions of his department to mitigate the disastrous consequences of the delivery of water and sanitation by poorly run municipalities since 1 January 2020 and (b) steps has his department taken to hold any persons accountable who have been found responsible for the conditions which prompted the intervention?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 30 Mar 2023

a) The total cost of intervention projects is R4.5 billion to date. The cost for the intervention in the Mkhanyakude District Municipality is yet to be confirmed once all the planning has been finalised. The details for other interventions implemented since 2020/21 by the department is indicated below:




Source of funding

Project Name

Cost R’000



Giyani Local Municipality ...

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2023-w624 - 30 March 2023

Leonard Jones Basson to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What process did his department follow in advertising the shore property around the Hartbeespoort Dam that it owns; (2) (a) what number of contracts have been signed, (b) with whom have the contracts been signed, (c) what is the monetary value of each contract, (d) what is the (i) commencement and (ii) end date of each contract and (e) what is the size of each property that has been awarded a contract; (3) whether each contract stipulates what (a) the property may be used for and (b) procedure must be followed to develop it; if not; why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) what number of current contracts have (a) lapsed and (b) will be renewed?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 30 Mar 2023

1.  The properties within the dam boundary line of the Hartbeespoort Dam were incorrectly vested in the name of the North West Province, and the province entered into long term lease agreements with an option to purchase the land with third parties around the dam. The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) had the properties vested nationally and instructed the province to cancel the ...

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2023-w822 - 30 March 2023

Sbuyiselwe Angela Buthelezi to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)What total number of large water projects are currently running in each province; (2) what total number of the specified projects are still (a) undergoing planning and (b) under construction; (3) (a) what total number of the projects are currently behind schedule and (b) how far behind is each such project?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 30 Mar 2023

The Department currently has 14 large water projects running across different provinces. A total of 10 infrastructure projects are under planning, whilst 4 are in construction phase. In terms of progress, 11 projects are behind schedule. Details are tabulated below:





Number of Projects

Name of Project

(a) Planning

( ...

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2023-w553 - 23 March 2023

Nicholas George Myburgh to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What is the total number of (a) local and (b) district municipalities where his department intervened according to the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic, 1996, to mitigate the disastrous consequences of poorly-run municipalities since 1 January 2020?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 23 Mar 2023

The department intervened in nine district and local municipalities since 1 January 2020, details as follows:


District Municipality

Local Municipality

Project Name

1. Limpopo

Mopani District municipality

Giyani Local Municipality

Reticulation of 24 villages

2. KwaZulu Natal

Zululand District Municipality

Nongoma Local municipality

Mandlakazi Bulk Scheme phase 5 (Esiphambanweni phase 5 & 6)

3. KwaZulu Natal

Ugu District Municipality

All local municipalities

Water ...

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2023-w533 - 23 March 2023

Shirley Motshegoane Mokgotho to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With reference to the results of the latest Green Drop assessment which noted that 43% of the water waste systems in Mpumalanga were deemed to be in a critical state and that only six out of 76 systems in the province were operating well above capacity, what measures has his department put in place to ensure that all municipalities in Mpumalanga score 90% to comply with water waste standards?

Reply from the Minister of Water and Sanitation on 23 Mar 2023

In response to the release of the Green Drop report for 2022, the department issued non-compliance letters to all Water Services Institutions (WSIs) with wastewater systems at critical state (achieved GD score of less than 31%). The non-compliance letters required the WSIs to develop the corrective action plan that will address the issues as identified on the 2022 report.

The department also engaged Local ...

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