NW3088E - 31 July 2015

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

(1) With regard to the science, technology, engineering and mathematics intervention outlined in the revised strategic focus document of her department which states that, 2 000 women in each year are to be inducted and trained in the specified fields, what (a) funding sources have been identified for this intervention and (b) projected funding figures have been detailed for the (i) current and (ii) any other financial years already planned for; (2) what plans are in place to ensure that the women who receive their qualifications through this intervention are eventually employed afterwards?

Reply from the Minister of Women in the Presidency on 31 Jul 2015

  1. The department’s Annual Performance Plan of 2015/16 indicates that, in this financial year, the Department will develop intervention plans for girls’ and young women’s access to STEM fields, and that from 2016/17, the target is to enable 2000 girls and young women to access STEM fields per year.

      (a) Funding sources for this intervention will be the private sector, NSFAS and various ...

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NW3087E - 31 July 2015

Nomsa Innocencia Tarabella Marchesi to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

Whether, with reference to the revised strategic focus of her department which envisages that gender-based violence interventions should result in a decrease of 12% in each year over a period of five years, there has been a reduction in gender-based violence levels since the implementation of the revised strategic focus; if not, why not; if so, by how much?

Reply from the Minister of Women in the Presidency on 31 Jul 2015

This target is being revised to align with the Cabinet-approved government plan of action on ehm1nat1on of violence against women and children "Integrated Programme of Action: Violence Against Women and Children'', led by the Department of Social Development, and no further work on the part of DoW on this target will be done. The Department's APP is being amended accordingly to focus on the ...

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NW3085E - 31 July 2015

Makoti Sibongile Khawula to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

(1) In light of the strategic plan of her Ministry that was presented in July 2014, which included ensuring that 60% of women occupy senior management positions, producing four quarterly reports and running four anti-corruption initiatives during the year, has she achieved all the specified targets; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) (a) what is the rationale for running four anti-corruption initiatives in her Ministry and (b) could this suggest that corruption in her Ministry is so rampant to an extent that four anti-corruption units should be established?

Reply from the Minister of Women in the Presidency on 31 Jul 2015

  1. According to the revised Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan of the department the target of women who occupy senior management positions was set at 50%. As at 31st March 2015, the actual performance against this target was 85.8%.
  2. (a) In terms of a 2003 Cabinet decision, all departments are required to have minimum anti-corruption capacity (MACC) requirements in place. It is therefore a ...
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NW2774E - 26 June 2015

Phumzile Thelma Van Damme to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

What amount did (a) her department and (b) each entity reporting to her spend on advertising in (i) Sowetan and (ii) Daily Sun in the (aa) 2012-13, (bb) 2013-14 and (cc) 2014-15 financial years?

NW2591E - 12 June 2015

Sejamotopo Charles Motau to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

Whether (a) her department and (b) any entities reporting to her has paid out the remainder of any employee's contract before the contractually stipulated date of termination of the contract since the 2008-09 financial year up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if so, (i) what amount has (aa) her department and (bb) entities reporting to her spent on each such payout, (ii) to whom were these payouts made and (iii) what were the reasons for the early termination of the contracts in each specified case?

NW2479E - 05 June 2015

Sejamotopo Charles Motau to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

Is her department currently involved in a work exchange and/or employment agreement with the Republic of Cuba; if so, (a) what number of Cuban nationals (i) are currently employed and (ii) are due to be employed by her department, (b) what specific work roles are envisaged for the Cuban nationals, (c) what are the specific skill sets of each of the Cuban nationals (i) currently employed and (ii) due to be employed, (d) what are the details of the process followed to ensure that the same skill set was or is not available in the country and amongst South African citizens and (e) what is the total cost of the (i) employment or (ii) prospective employment of such Cuban nationals?

NW2250E - 29 May 2015

Phumzile Thelma Van Damme to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

Does her department maintain an updated asset register; if not, why not; if so, what is the (a) total number and (b) value of all motor vehicles recorded on such register?

Reply from the Minister of Women in the Presidency on 29 May 2015


(a) Total number of motor vehicles is 12, 4 of which are ready for disposal.
(b) The value of all the motor vehicles is R4, 013 498.19

Approved by the Minister on
Date :2015/06/08

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NW2122E - 22 May 2015

N I TarabellaMarchesi to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

(a) Who are the current chief financial officers of (i) her Office and (ii) the entities reporting to her and (b) what is the qualification of each chief financial officer?

NW2087E - 22 May 2015

N I TarabellaMarchesi to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

Since 1 January 2015, has her department installed generators at any of (a) its offices or (b) the offices of the entities reporting to her as a result of load shedding; if so, what is the total cost of the (i) installation and (ii) running of these generators?

Reply from the Minister of Women in the Presidency on 22 May 2015




Approved by the Minister on
Date: 2015/06/08

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NW1663E - 17 April 2015

Sejamotopo Charles Motau to ask the Minister of Women in the Presidency

(a) How many invoices from private contractors to her department currently remain unpaid for longer than 30 days and (b) in each case, what (i) are the details of the (aa) contractor and (bb) services provided and (ii) what is the (aa) date of the invoice and (bb) reason why the invoice was not paid within 30 days?

Reply from the Minister of Women in the Presidency on 17 Apr 2015

(a) The department does not have any invoices from private contractors currently unpaid for longer than 30 days.

(b) Not applicable.


Approved by the Minister on
Date: 6/05/2015

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