2021-w1307 - 01 June 2021

Mathew John Cuthbert to ask the President of the Republic

(1)Whether, with reference to the investigation of the Special Investigating Unit into corruption in the National Lotteries Commission that he authorised through proclamation, any arrests have been made; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the names of those arrested, (b) on what grounds were they arrested and (c) on what date were they arrested in each case; (2) whether any official charges have been brought against any persons by the National Prosecuting Authority based on the results of the investigation; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the names of those charged, (b) what crimes were they charged with and (c) on what date were the charges filed; (3) whether any assets have been seized; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details, including (a) a comprehensive breakdown of all the assets seized, (b) the value of assets seized and (c) from whom they were seized; (4) on what date does he expect that the investigation and a comprehensive report will be completed?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 1 Jun 2021

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) is currently investigating several matters in collaboration with the Directorate for Priority Crimes Investigations (DPCI) with respect to the National Lotteries Commission. Due to the fact that investigations are ongoing, there have as yet been no arrests, no charges have been brought against any persons, and no assets have been seized.

The SIU is preparing to refer evidence pointing ...

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2021-w1077 - 24 May 2021

Mergan Chetty to ask the President of the Republic

Whether, with reference to the reply of the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation to question 31 for oral reply on 3 March 2021, regarding the R118 million irregular expenditure on the New York Pilot Project and her admission that her department had nothing to show for the R118 million spent, and in view of the fact that this is now an international embarrassment, he will (a) recall Ambassador Jerry Matjila, who was the Director-General of the specified department during the initiation of the highly controversial project and (b) suspend Minister Nkoana-Mashabane, who failed to exercise her executive oversight as the then Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, resulting in damaging South Africa’s international image; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 24 May 2021

I have been informed by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation that in her Oral Reply to the question posed by the Honourable Member on this matter, she indicated that the Department had brought a review application in 2018 to have the tender award reviewed and set aside, and to request the recovery of the money that had been paid to the service ...

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2021-w951 - 19 April 2021

Annette Steyn to ask the President of the Republic

(1)Whether, considering that he is in receipt of a number of reports from the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) spanning a number of departments, and given his obligation to protect the public and further considering that identified individuals in the specified reports may hold professional status with a Statutory Council, he will pass such reports on to the relevant statutory councils so that any licensed persons (details furnished) are held to account in order to protect the Republic; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date and (b) what are the further relevant details; (2) whether he will make it a policy in respect of any government official who is/was investigated and/or charged internally in the past, present and future to be reported to their relevant statutory body for investigation in terms of the professions code of conduct; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what (a) total number of professionals are implicated in the SIU reports and (b) field of expertise is each implicated professional serving in?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 19 Apr 2021

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) investigations are regulated in terms of the Special Investigation Unit and Special Tribunal Act, 1996.

According to this Act, the SIU is empowered to investigate serious malpractices or maladministration in connection with the administration of State institutions defined in the Act.

Section 1 of the Act defines State institution to “mean any national or provincial department, any local government, ...

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2021-w750 - 16 March 2021

Leon Amos Schreiber to ask the President of the Republic

Whether, at the time that he appointed a certain person (name and details furnished) on 29 May 2019, he was informed of the serious allegations of sexual harassment levelled against the specified person by an employee of a certain political organisation (name furnished) prior to the 2019 general election; if not, what steps will he be taking now that the allegations have become public; if so, what (a) measures did he put in place to investigate the allegations and (b) were the appropriate reasons for appointing the specified person in the face of the allegations?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 16 Mar 2021

I was not aware of the allegations at the time of the appointment of the person.

I am informed that the relevant internal processes of the political party concerned were followed with respect to these allegations, in line with the law applicable to such complaints by an employee as well as the political party’s policy on sexual harassment, and that this process was concluded.

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2021-w476 - 16 March 2021

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the President of the Republic

With reference to his reply to question 2256 on 5 Jan 2021, (a) who are the private individuals he refers to, (b) how did they, as private individuals, come to know about the SA National Defence Force charter and (c) is a similar service available to all private South Africans who wish to make donations-in-kind to recipients abroad, so long as there is space on the aircraft?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 16 Mar 2021

I have been informed by the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans that the donation of personal protective equipment to Cuba was coordinated by the former South African Ambassador to Cuba, Amb Phatse Justice Piitso.

It was through his interactions with the Cuban Mission in South Africa that the former Ambassador got to know about the flight organised by the SANDF to collect its ...

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2021-w381 - 03 March 2021

Manuel Simão Franca De Freitas to ask the President of the Republic

With reference to the second South Africa Investment Conference, wherein companies made investment commitments of R364 billion in industries including tourism and hospitality, (a)(i) what is the total amount that has been invested to date, (ii) by what number of companies and (iii) on what dates were these investments made, (b) what is the nature of such investments in each case and (c) how has the investments contributed to the economy to date?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Mar 2021

a) (i) Of the R364.4 billion in investment commitments announced by 71 companies at the 2019 SA Investment Conference, R69 billion (18.9% of the total value of announcements) has flowed into the economy as per reports received from companies.

(ii) 60 of the 71 companies are responsible for the flows of R69 billion.

(iii) This figure is based on quarterly updates received directly from ...

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2021-w158 - 26 February 2021

Dean William Macpherson to ask the President of the Republic

Whether, with reference to the Western Cape High Court ruling against the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs for the illegal and unconstitutional ban on tobacco products under the Disaster Management Act, Act 57 of 2002, which cost the country upwards of R3 billion in tax and inflicted misery on 11 million South Africans, he intends taking disciplinary steps against her for her illegal and unconstitutional action; if not, why not; if so, what steps have or will be taken?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 26 Feb 2021

The High Court ruling to which the Member refers is on appeal as government is of the firm view that this decision should be appealed.

The nature of the pandemic is constantly changing and government’s caution, based on information available at the time was therefore entirely justifiable.

As a responsible government we consider it critical that we continue to have all options at our ...

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2021-w160 - 26 February 2021

Dean William Macpherson to ask the President of the Republic

With reference to his address to the nation on 14 December 2020, where he announced that beaches would be closed in the Eastern Cape, Sarah Baartman District Municipality and the Garden Route District Municipality, what (a) scientific data and modelling information did he rely on to make this decision, (b) is the source of the scientific data and modelling information and (c) total number of COVID-19 infections and deaths were prevented by the closure of the beaches vis-a-vis keeping them open?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 26 Feb 2021

The National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) meets regularly to receive reports on the status of the pandemic at national, provincial and district levels. These reports are based on data compiled by the National Institute of Communicable Diseases and the national and provincial Departments of Health.

The NCCC also receives and considers recommendations based on an analysis of this data and consultation with experts in ...

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2021-w291 - 26 February 2021

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the President of the Republic

With reference to his categorical statement in April 2020 that he, the Deputy President, Mr D D Mabuza, Ministers and Deputy Ministers will each take a one-third cut in their salaries for three months and that this portion of their salaries will be donated to the solidarity fund, what (a) total number of Members of the Executive honoured the pledge and (b) is the name of each Member of the Executive who did not honour the pledge?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 26 Feb 2021

As I said previously in response to a similar question (NW2111E) asked by the Leader of the Opposition on 24 July 2020, the donation to the Solidarity Fund is a voluntary contribution that each Member of Cabinet and Deputy Minister chose to make in support of the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each Minister and Deputy Minister was responsible for making the necessary ...

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2021-w2934 - 05 January 2021

Nyiko Floyd Shivambu to ask the President of the Republic

With reference to his statement at the third annual South African Investment Conference held on 18 November 2020, that the Republic’s automotive sector has over the past few months developed and manufactured 20 000 ventilators for COVID-19 patients, (a) who produced the ventilators, (b)(i) on what date and (ii) where were the ventilators produced and (c) in which hospitals are the ventilators placed?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 5 Jan 2021

At the beginning of the COVID-19 national state of disaster, the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) with the support of the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), established the National Ventilator Project (NVP) to draw on expertise and know-how in South Africa to develop ventilators for use on COVID-19 patients.

This was necessitated by a global shortage of all ...

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