2020-w297 - 18 May 2020

Vuyolwethu Zungula to ask the President of the Republic

In view of his announcement during his State of the Nation Address on 13 February 2020 to allow municipalities that are in good standing to procure electricity from independent power producers and that mines are also allowed to self-generate electricity, what has he found will be the financial impact of the specified decision on Eskom; (2) whether this decision will cause Eskom to seek bail-outs in the near future; if not, how did he reach this conclusion; if so, has the National Treasury made provisions in this regard; (3) whether he has found that Eskom will not face foreclosure by creditors; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 18 May 2020

1. The decision to allow self generation by municipalities, industries and households is based on the fact that Eskom has insufficient capacity to generate enough energy to meet the needs of the economy. Its ageing power stations suffer regular breakdowns, which has resulted in load shedding. This has resulted in the need for additional energy.

The introduction of distributed electricity generation by industries and ...

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2020-w298 - 18 May 2020

Thandiswa Linnen Marawu to ask the President of the Republic

Whether, in light of the fact that the Republic is a sovereign State and a member of the Commonwealth, the Republic intends to resign from the Commonwealth; if not, what are the reasons that it will not resign?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 18 May 2020

The South African Government does not intend to withdraw from the Commonwealth. When South Africa re-joined the Commonwealth in 1994, shortly after its first democratic elections, the South African Government recognised the Commonwealth’s contribution to the global campaign to end apartheid. Since 1994, South Africa has played host to four Commonwealth meetings, including the biennial summit of the 1999 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting ...

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2020-w321 - 18 May 2020

Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis to ask the President of the Republic

With reference to his statement in his State of the Nation Address on 13 February 2020, referring to inward direct investment, that projects with an investment value of R9 billion have already been completed and with regard to the 27 projects worth just over R250 billion that are in the implementation phase with more coming on stream in 2020, what is the (a)(i) nature of each project, (ii) investment value of each project and (iii) location of each project and (b) name of the investor in each case?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 18 May 2020

Projects completed


Company Name

Nature of Project

Project Value



Aberdare Cables

Cable manufacturing plant


Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape


Adcock Ingram

Sterile eye-drop manufacturing and packing facility


Clayville, Gauteng



New electronics manufacturing capacity


Dube Trade Port, KwaZulu-Natal


Hollard and Tokio Marine

Acquisition of Hollard Insurance Group SA and Hollard International


Johannesburg, Gauteng

5 ...

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2020-w492 - 18 May 2020

Leon Amos Schreiber to ask the President of the Republic

Whether it is the position of the Government to reduce the public sector wage bill by R160,2 billion over the next few years as announced by the Minister of Finance, Mr T T Mboweni; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he intends taking any steps to ensure that the Cabinet members implement the measures that the Minister of Finance put in place to reduce the public sector wage bill by R 37,8 billion by 31 March 2021; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether the Government will proceed to implement the reductions to the public sector wage bill in the absence of consensus with the labour unions; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 18 May 2020

The state is committed to a sustainable wage bill. During the tabling of the 2020 budget, the Minister of Finance announced the reduction in compensation budgets by R160.2 billion over the 2020 MTEF. The reductions are distributed as follows: R37.8 billion in 2020/21 financial year, followed by reductions amounting to R54.9 billion in 2021/22 financial year and R67.5 billion in 2020/23 financial year.

Changes to ...

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2020-w549 - 18 May 2020

John Henry Steenhuisen to ask the President of the Republic

What are the relevant details of the Government’s plans to address the looming economic crisis as a result of the national lockdown to combat the coronavirus outbreak, in view of the fact that the Republic’s credit rating has recently been downgraded by international ratings agencies to junk status; (2) whether the Government intends to (a) seek debt relief from the International Monetary Fund and/or (b) borrow funds for debt relief from any foreign entity; if not, what is the position in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 18 May 2020

1. Government has announced a fiscal support package of R500 billion in order to manage the impact of the lockdown on households and business. The details of this package are available on: http://www.treasury.gov.za/comm_media/press/2020/20200428_COVID_Economic_Response_final.pdf

2. South Africa is a member in good standing of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, New Development bank (NDB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). Part of the ...

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2020-w592 - 18 May 2020

Thembi Portia Msane to ask the President of the Republic

What are the criteria that he applied, as Chairperson of the African Union, for appointing Mr Trevor Manuel as one of the African Union’s COVID-19 Special Envoys?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 18 May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has been declared a global emergency crisis and is having a devastating impact on public health systems of many countries and the global economy.

Consequently, the African Union (AU) Bureau of Heads of State and Government, under the Chairship of President Cyril Ramaphosa, agreed to call upon the international community including the G20, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank ...

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2020-w10 - 16 March 2020

Julius Sello Malema to ask the President of the Republic

Whether he has established a national coordinating mechanism to coordinate the sustainable development agendas of the (a) United Nations, (b) African Union and (c) Southern African Development Community; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) what national coordinating mechanism was established, (ii) on what date was the national coordinating mechanism established, (iii) what is its immediate task and overall mandate, (iv) what is the name of each person who was appointed and (v) what process was followed in appointing each person; (2) whether the national coordinating mechanism has facilitated any consultations and coordinated any process within and outside the Government on the Republic’s international sustainable development commitments; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 16 Mar 2020

1. South Africa played a critical role during the development of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the sustainable development agendas of the African Union (AU) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and there are strong strategic linkages between these agendas and the National Development Plan (NDP).

Internationally, one of the critical success factors identified for effective domestic uptake of international development agendas ...

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2020-w12 - 16 March 2020

Nomakhosazana Meth to ask the President of the Republic

(a) What number of special envoys has he appointed since February 2018, (b) how does the Government manage unethical behaviour, fraud and corruption in the case of any implicated special envoy and (c) what amount has the Government spent to date on each special envoy?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 16 Mar 2020

I appointed four investment envoys in April 2018 and a further three, with sector-specific focus areas, in November 2019. These appointments are at the President’s discretion and may be modified and/or withdrawn should I deem it necessary.

Investment envoys, like all other citizens, are subject to the laws that obtain in the Republic, and as such, where any misdemeanours occur these would need to ...

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2020-w84 - 16 March 2020

Sarel Jacobus Francois Marais to ask the President of the Republic

(1)Whether he employed the SA National Defence Force to patrol the streets of Kimberley in January 2020; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what was the cost of employing the soldiers, (b) from which budget was the employment of the soldiers paid and (c) for what period were the soldiers employed; (2) whether he communicated the soldiers’ employment to Parliament; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 16 Mar 2020

(1) The President did not employ the SANDF to patrol the streets of Kimberley in January 2020.

(2) There was no employment under section 201 of the Constitution.

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2020-w255 - 16 March 2020

Leon Amos Schreiber to ask the President of the Republic

What action(s) will be taken against a certain person (name and details furnished) for allegedly misappropriating public funds; (2) whether he intends to refer the matter to the Special Investigating Unit for investigation in respect of the alleged misappropriation of public funds; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 16 Mar 2020

The person to whom the question refers undertook an official trip to the United States and Switzerland in September 2019. As provided for in the Guide for Members of the Executive – which was came into effect on 8 June 2019 – she was accompanied by her spouse.

Should the Honourable Member or any other person have evidence of the misappropriation of public funds, ...

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