2019-w1616 - 20 December 2019

Jan Adriaan Esterhuizen to ask the President of the Republic

What (a) is the name of each investor who pledged funds at the 2018 investment conference, (b) amount did each investor pledge, (c) project was each pledge invested in, (d) is the time frame of each project and (e) number of jobs did each project create; (2) whether each project was new or an existing project in each case; (3) what (a) is the name of each investor who pledged funds at the 2018 investment conference, but never invested the pledged funds, (b) amount did each investor pledge but not invest and (c) projects were never implemented as a result?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 20 Dec 2019

Seventy companies announced investments at the second South Africa Investment Conference, held in Johannesburg from 5-7 November 2019. The total value of these commitments was just over R363 billion.

Invest SA is working with the companies that made announcements to categorise and determine the level of implementation and to provide assistance to unblock and fast-track these investments where necessary.

ANNEXURE 2 contains the details ...

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2019-w1568 - 28 November 2019

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the President of the Republic

What are the specific roles of the envoys that he has appointed in (a) 2018 and (b) 2019, including their (i) targets, (ii) annual remunerations and (iii) other benefits; (2) how are each of the envoy’s responsibilities different from those of the Cabinet Ministers in their respective portfolios?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 28 Nov 2019

1. In April 2018, I appointed four Presidential Envoys on Investment – Mr Trevor Manuel, Mr Mcebisi Jonas, Ms Phumzile Langeni and Mr Jacko Maree – to engage with domestic and foreign investors on the opportunities for investment in South Africa, and to understand any impediments they experience in pursuing those opportunities.

The Envoys do not have specific targets. Instead, their activities support the ...

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2019-w1059 - 28 October 2019

Kenneth Raselabe Joseph Meshoe to ask the President of the Republic

Whether Nigeria has followed through on their alleged demand for compensation for Nigerian citizens who suffered losses during the looting and violent attacks on foreign nationals in recent weeks; if not, why not; if so, how will the compensation be calculated?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 28 Oct 2019

Nigeria has not made a demand for compensation for Nigerian citizens who suffered losses during the looting and violent attacks on foreign nationals that took place in September.

During the State Visit of President Buhari on 3 October 2019, South Africa and Nigeria agreed to establish an Early Warning Mechanism, which is a joint structure that will serve as a preventative and proactive monitoring ...

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2019-w308 - 24 July 2019

Dean William Macpherson to ask the President of the Republic

Whether he has established a task team to look into the shortcomings of the Copyright Amendment Bill [B13-2017] before assenting to it; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the terms of reference of the task team, (b) what is the name of each person on the task team and (c) by what date is the task team expected to complete its work?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 24 Jul 2019

(a) - (c) The Presidency legal team has collated all submissions, petitions and investigated areas of concern regarding the Bill. The team is currently analysing these submissions with the purpose of fully appraising the President on the Bill. As such, there is no task team established to consider the Bill.

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2019-w224 - 22 July 2019

Mmusi Aloysias Maimane to ask the President of the Republic

Whether the Government will utilise funds loaned from the China Development Bank in its Infrastructure Fund; if not, where will the funds be sourced from; if so, what (a) amount in funding will be loaned from the China Development Bank and (b) will be the terms and conditions of the loan?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 22 Jul 2019

(a) - (b) The Infrastructure Fund is expected to utilise funds from International Finance Institutions (IFIs), including the China Development Bank (CDB), as well as other Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and private sector institutions. Work on the design of the Infrastructure Fund is continuing, involving the National Treasury, the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC).

As indicated above, ...

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2019-w225 - 22 July 2019

Mmusi Aloysias Maimane to ask the President of the Republic

Whether, with reference to his reply to the State of the Nation Address on 26 June 2019, he intends to deploy members of the SA National Defence Force to assist members of the SA Police Service in gang-ridden areas; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 22 Jul 2019

In a letter dated 17 July 2019, I informed both the Speaker of the National Assembly and the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces that I have deployed 1,320 members of the South African National Defence Force for service in cooperation with the South African Police Service for the prevention and combating of crime, maintenance and preservation of law and order where needed ...

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2019-w229 - 22 July 2019

John Henry Steenhuisen to ask the President of the Republic

Whether he intends to take any disciplinary action against a certain person (name furnished) for running a parallel intelligence network; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 22 Jul 2019

I am informed by the relevant authorities that the investigation of this matter is still ongoing and is led by the National Prosecuting Authority. I therefore cannot and will not pre-empt the work that is being done. As soon as I am appraised of the outcomes of these investigations, I will consider the appropriate steps to be taken.

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2019-w230 - 22 July 2019

John Henry Steenhuisen to ask the President of the Republic

Whether he has signed performance agreements with each Member of the Executive; if not, (a) why not and (b) which Members of the Executive still need to sign performance agreements; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 22 Jul 2019

(a) - (b) As I have said in the State of the Nation Address, I will be signing performance agreements with Ministers and Deputy Ministers who will be delegated clear and meaningful programmes to lead.

We expect to finalise these performance agreements by September 2019 when the Medium Term Strategic Framework, with clear deliverables for each department, is approved by Cabinet.

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2019-w29 - 03 July 2019

Michael John Cardo to ask the President of the Republic

(1)(a) Which Members of the Executive accompanied him to the 108th Session of the International Labour Organisation Conference which was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 10 to 21 June 2019, (b) what number of officials accompanied (i) him and (ii) each specified Member of the Executive and (c) what number of days did his delegation stay in Geneva; (2) whether any spouses of any Members of the Executive and/or officials accompanied the delegation; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (3) what was the (a) total cost and (b) detailed breakdown of the costs incurred in terms of accommodation, flights and daily allowances for each person that formed part of the delegation? NW986E

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Jul 2019

1. (a) The Minister of Employment and Labour accompanied the President.

(b) (i) The President was accompanied by seven officials. (ii). This information can be obtained by the Honourable Member directly from the Ministry of Employment and Labour.

(c) Six of the seven officials were in Geneva for one day, while the seventh official, who advanced, was in Geneva for five days.

2. The ...

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2019-w667 - 01 April 2019

Deidre Carter to ask the President of the Republic

Whether he intends to reprimand the Minister of Police as directed by the Public Protector for failing to ensure that protection was provided to two whistle-blowers in KwaZulu-Natal who were in danger of assassination; if not, why not; if so, what has delayed him to take action in the matter?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 1 Apr 2019

The Minister of Police is taking the Public Protector’s report on review.

The Presidency has applied to intervene in the review application instituted by the Minister of Police to ask the court to stay the implementation of the remedial action until the review is determined.

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