2018-w2819 - 29 October 2018

David John Maynier to ask the President of the Republic

(1)Whether he was informed about any contact and/or interaction between the former Minister of Finance, Mr N M Nene, and any member of the Gupta family prior to (a) appointing him as the Minister of Finance on 26 February 2018 and (b) Mr Nene giving evidence at the Judicial Commission of Inquiry to Inquire into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State, chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, on 3 October 2018; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he received any offer to resign from the position of Minister of Finance, from Mr N M Nene, as a result of his contact and/or interaction with any member of the Gupta family; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he has found that Mr Nene’s contact and/or interactions with members of the Gupta family have resulted in the contravention of the prescripts of section 96 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW3121E

Reply from the President of the Republic on 29 Oct 2018

(1) (a) No

(b) No

(2) Former Minister Nene submitted a letter of resignation on 9 October 2018, which I accepted.

(3) Mr Nene is no longer a Minister. If there are any findings to be made on Mr Nene’s contact with members of the Gupta family that will be a matter for the Commission of Inquiry on State Capture.

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2018-w2655 - 03 October 2018

Stevens Mokgalapa to ask the President of the Republic

Whether, with reference to his visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in August 2018, he discussed with President Joseph Kabila the (a) alleged maltreatment of Mr Moise Katumbi, (b) deployment of the armed forces to Kasumbalesa and Kinshasa, where violence was used to oppress peaceful supporters of the specified person, (c) use of controversial electronic voting machines despite domestic and international opposition, (d) credibility of voters’ rolls with particular reference to allegations of significant numbers of duplicates and (e) continued detention of political prisoners; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the discussions in each case?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Oct 2018

a) During the discussions, I was briefed by my host about the matter of Mr Katumbi during which the government of the DRC explained their national legal requirements that prevented Mr Katumbi from registering in the national elections.

b No. The deployment of the army or troops in any country is the sovereign right of the government of the day.

c) - (d) During ...

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2018-w2654 - 03 October 2018

Stevens Mokgalapa to ask the President of the Republic

What are the details of the (a) stakeholders he engaged with during his visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in August 2018, (b) basis on which the specified stakeholders were chosen to engage with and (c) implications of the decision to engage with the specified stakeholders on the perception of South Africa as a neutral and unbiased mediator; (2) whether he met with any members of opposition political parties during the visit; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) (a) why did he praise President Kabila during his visit to the DRC, in view of President Kabila’s seemingly poor record of conducting free and fair elections and (b) does he hold the same positive views of President Kabila in light of subsequent developments and President Kabila’s perceived lack of commitment to free and fair elections, particularly after President Kabila rejected his special envoy? NW2943E

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Oct 2018

1. (a) I visited the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to meet with President Kabila. On my departure from the DRC, a courtesy call by the ruling party’s Presidential candidate, Mr Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, took place at the airport.

(b) The purpose of the visit to the DRC was to meet with President Kabila. Mr Shadary requested the courtesy call.

(c) None.

2. ...

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2018-w2639 - 03 October 2018

David John Maynier to ask the President of the Republic

Whether the US$ 100 billion in new investment he intends to generate over the next five years includes investment by (a) public corporations and (b) general government; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Oct 2018

(a) - (b) The investment drive to mobilise $100 billion over five years targets both the private sector (which includes public and unlisted companies) and general government, including state owned enterprises. The investment drive seeks to encourage investors to invest in the economy through greenfield and brownfield projects. While the emphasis is on fixed investment, government is not prescriptive on the investments.

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2018-w2638 - 03 October 2018

David John Maynier to ask the President of the Republic

With reference to each Special Envoy on Investment appointed by him, (a) what number of investors has each special envoy engaged with, (b) what is the name of each investor engaged with, (c)(i) on what date and (ii) where was each specified investor engaged with, (d) what total value of investment (i) was secured and/or (ii) was pledged by each specified investor and (e) what was the (i) total cost and (ii) breakdown of such costs of the engagements with investors?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Oct 2018

(a) - (b) The envoys were appointed to create an additional channel through which business can alert government of possible investment opportunities as well as impediments they experience in pursuing those opportunities. The envoys combined have had more than 150 engagements. These include meetings with individual companies, business chambers, business groupings and embassies.

(c) (i) The meetings referred to above have been held since ...

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2018-w2628 - 03 October 2018

Mosiuoa Gerard Patrick Lekota to ask the President of the Republic

(1)Whether he intends to give evidence before the Judicial Commission of Enquiry into State Capture (the commission); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether he responded to the letter; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date did he respond and (b) what was the name of the addressee? NW2904E

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Oct 2018

(1) - (2) The Commission of Inquiry into State Capture is empowered to decide who should give evidence before it. If the Commission asks me to appear before it, I will gladly oblige.

Any person, including members of Cabinet and senior government employees, who may have information that would assist the Commission in its work, is encouraged to make that information available to the ...

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2018-w2626 - 03 October 2018

Mncedisi Lutando Wellington Filtane to ask the President of the Republic

In light of the fact that earlier this year the Eastern Cape Department of Public Works started the process for the disposal of residential properties across the province through sale using market-related values (details furnished), and with reference to his reply to oral question number 13 on 22 August 2018, he intends to discourage and stop the sale of land and residential properties currently owned by the Eastern Cape Department of Public Works; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Oct 2018

The disposal of non-core residential state land in urban areas is required when such properties do not contribute to the line function needs of government. The disposal of land is guided by national legislation, the State Land Disposal Act No. 48 of 1961, as well as provincial legislation – the Eastern Cape Land Disposal Act No. 7 of 2000.

Further, in April 2009, the ...

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2018-w2610 - 03 October 2018

Shivambu, Mr F to ask the President of the Republic

(1)Whether he has ever received a letter from the leaders of Abahlali baseMjondolo in his capacity as Deputy President and/or President or; if so, on what exact date did he receive the letter; (2) whether he responded to the letter; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date did he respond and (b) what was the name of the addressee? NW2904E

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Oct 2018

(1) Yes, the letter from the leaders of Abahlali baseMjondolo was received by the President, in his capacity as President, on 6 June 2018.

(2) The letter was responded to on 11 July 2018, addressed to the President of Abahlali baseMjondolo, Mr S. Zikode.

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2018-w2561 - 03 October 2018

Mosiuoa Gerard Patrick Lekota to ask the President of the Republic

With regard to his speech that he delivered during the Armed Forces Day celebrations in Kimberley on 21 February 2018 (details furnished), has he found that the (a) former President, Mr J G Zuma, intended to remain in power by force and (b) army considered intervening in the politics and democratic processes of the country; if not, what is the position in this regard in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Oct 2018

The speech that the President delivered in Kimberley as the Commander-in-Chief of the South African National Defence Force on the occasion of Armed Forces Day, on 21 February 2018, does not make reference to any of the assertions made in the question of the Honourable Member.

The section of the speech quoted by the Honourable Member reflects the primary mandate of the SANDF, as ...

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2018-w2560 - 03 October 2018

Mosiuoa Gerard Patrick Lekota to ask the President of the Republic

Whether he intends to involve Parliament in the process of appointing a new National Director of Public Prosecutions to ensure that the process is transparent and open; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the President of the Republic on 3 Oct 2018

Section 179(1)(a) of the Constitution provides that the National Director of Public Prosecutions is appointed by the President, as head of the national executive. It is an executive appointment, constitutionally distinguished from those institutions whose members’ appointment involves Parliament.

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