2016-w2347 - 29 November 2016

James Robert Bourne Lorimer to ask the Mr J R B Lorimer (DA) to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1) With reference to her reply to question 847 on 11 April 2016, (a) what is the total amount of the fine imposed by Eskom on Optimum Colliery for the delivery of substandard coal, (b) what amount owed for the specified fine has been paid to date, (c) what are the terms of the repayment agreement and (d) by which date will the fine be paid in full; (2) whether any other fines have been imposed on any other coal suppliers for similar reasons; if not, why not; if so, in each case, (a) what are the relevant details, (b) how much did Eskom fine the specified coal suppliers, (c) when were such fines levied and (d) on what date will the fines be paid in full? NW2682E
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