Mr Vusiwana Mtileni (EFF)


What is your political background? How did you become involved in politics and particularly, what drew you to your specific party? I started my political activism in 1993 whilst following Mr Bantu Holomisa as a journalist, because he was proposing an alternative to the ANC after his expulsion from the ...

Ms Ruth Bhengu (ANC)


What is your political background and what attracted you to your political party? My political interest was sparked in high school in 1963 when I started to understand the language differences in black and white schools during the apartheid regime. I did not understand why I was being taught in ...

Ms Tasneem Motara (ANC)


What is your political background? I joined the African National Congress (ANC) about 16 years ago. I grew up in a very politically active home: some of my family members were in exile, and some of them are still active in politics. I joined the ANC Youth League in 2000 ...

Ms Bridget Masango (DA)


How did you become involved in politics and what drew you to your specific party? Having grown up in rural KZN, witnessing and experiencing challenges that were a direct result of the politics of the day, I developed a curious interest in making any contribution I could. I did not ...

Ms Makoti Sibongile Khawula (EFF)


What is your political background?

I was a member of the African National Congress (ANC) during 1980s and I was actively involved in the fight for freedom. I joined undercover politics during the heightened period of turmoil in Durban in areas like KwaMashu and Inanda. I attended political meetings during ...

Ms Tabiso Wana (ANC)


What is your political background? I entered politics from the working class point of view and I am among those that had spent some time incarcerated for my involvement in the political unrest prior to 1994. This was post matric in a rural area called Qhumanco Village of Cofimvaba.

Around ...

Mr Cameron Mackenzie (DA)


What is your political background? What drew you to your specific party? Politics has always been part of my life for as long as I can remember: from choosing a part in a school play, being elected as the grade representative on the Students Representative Council (SRC) in high school ...

Mr Mohapi Jihad Mohapi (ANC)


What is your political background? My political activism started in 1985 when I was in grade 9 at Kananelo Secondary High School in Kroonstad in the Free State. I became involved in the Congress of South African Students (COSAS) activities. At the time we were addressing the plight of black ...

Ms Elizabeth Masehela (ANC)


What is your political background? I entered politics in 1974 whilst at a Lovedale training college as a member of the Student Representative Council (SRC). I also joined the African National Congress (ANC), because it was the most active liberation movement. I remained an active member of the underground structures ...

Mr Henro Msiza Kruger (DA)


1. What is your political background? How did you come to join your political party and become an MP?

My political career started in about 2004. I was a businessman before then. I ran a few businesses and was also the President of the World Bank Chamber of Commerce. Clive ...

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