Ms Bridget Masango (DA)


How did you become involved in politics and what drew you to your specific party? Having grown up in rural KZN, witnessing and experiencing challenges that were a direct result of the politics of the day, I developed a curious interest in making any contribution I could. I did not expect government to do everything for me and those around me, but instead chose to come up with solutions to the challenges. I did not see a need to be in active politics in the beginning but always helped my party during elections to ferry the elderly who wanted to go and vote but could not walk long distances to the voting stations. The principles of my party are what drew me to it: freedom, fairness and opportunity.

What does your job as an MP entail? Essentially I think it is to make laws, see to their implementation by the executive through oversight and reviewing them if they do not work in practice. I also give feedback during the party caucus on issues relating to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development which I am the Shadow Minister for.

What are your thoughts about the Fifth Parliament so far? The Fifth Parliament has to be the most vibrant yet and seems to have triggered interest in politics by those sectors of our society who may have not been particularly interested. I believe some incidents have crossed some when it comes to upholding the decorum and dignity of Parliament as the highest institution in the land.

The working environment at committee level is quite robust as all members seem to work towards achieving the committee's objectives. There are some members though who ensure that they protect the executive from being accountable. On the whole however, members assume collective responsibility for what they need to do as Members of Parliament. The chairperson makes a point of ensuring that all members' views are sought on issues being discussed.

There however seems to be a mistaken understanding that if the committee adopts a report it automatically means opposition members cannot hold the executive accountable on lapses in their implementation of their annual performance plans.

What constituency area has your party assigned you to? What aspects interest you the most about constituency work? I was allocated Kungwini in Tshwane. This constituency interests me because of its hybrid rural/urban character. Coming from a rural setting and then moving to urban Johannesburg to seek green pastures prepared me for the environment I find myself in.

What are you most passionate about - this applies both in a political/professional arena as well as personally? My greatest and deepest passion is the development of women and children. Whilst I was trained in communications, I have over the years been drawn towards seeking solutions to solve the plight of women and children abuse.

What would your message to South Africa be? South Africans are great people and they have within and among themselves what it takes to solve their problems. We are each other's keeper and it takes a village to raise a child.

The governing party has governed since South Africa got its freedom in 1994. While so much has been achieved with South Africa being hailed for its progressive policies, the lack of implementation of these policies and the scourge of corruption at all levels of government have led to the country's economy declining to its lowest levels. This is proof that it is time for another party to be given an opportunity to save South Africa from losing all the gains that were made in 1994. South Africans have had the opportunity to hear what each party will do through manifestos and the Democratic Alliance is the logical choice. Its basic principles alone should inspire hope to South Africans: freedom, fairness and opportunity.

To learn more about this Member, visit her profile.

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