Mine Workers Provident Fund

Attention All Ex-Mineworkers!

Did you know that you can claim a variety of benefits if you are an ex-mineworker on retirement? Similarly, relatives of deceased ex-mineworks can claim benefits for members who passed in service.

Read the infographic for more information and sign up for the benefit today.

Have any ...

The Week Ahead: Question Time, Mini-Plenaries & Budget 2022

The Week Ahead: Question Time, Mini-Plenaries & Budget 2022

There's a full and mixed flavour to the coming week's parliamentary business.

The major points of interest will come from the Question Time session with the Executive and mini-plenaries. There are also several high-profile meetings in the Committee corridor including legislative ...

Parliamentary Cycle 2022

Important Upcoming Dates to Note:

  • Joint Sitting for the State of the Nation (SONA) Address 10 February
  • Debate on President’s SONA 14 & 15 February
  • Reply by President to debate on SONA 16 February
  • Budget Speech 23 February State of the Nation Address

On the 10th of February, President Cyril ...

International Day of Democracy - 15 September

On the 15th of September every year, democratic nations across the world observe International Day of Democracy. This observance provides an opportunity for many nations to review the state of democracy in their own countries, and more broadly, globally.

A democratic parliament is one that is representative, open and ...

The Week Ahead: President’s Q & A & Important Committee Meetings

https://static.pmg.org.za/Call_for_comments.png It's a busy week in the main chambers. Everything from Oral Questions to the President, to debates, to legislative business, to considering statutory appointments and committee reports, to a Ministerial Briefing Session and two virtual sessions on Localizing the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan are scheduled.

In the National Assembly, ...

Women's Month: Parliament's Efforts at Gender Mainstreaming

gender mainstreaming

Gender mainstreaming means integrating a gender equality perspective at all stages and levels of policies, programmes and projects. It is therefore a tool for achieving gender equality in South Africa. Policy and law makers have a constitutional responsibility to ensure that gender mainstreaming is used as a policy tool to ...

Representation and Participation of Women in Parliament


The month of August marks Women's month in South Africa. We must reflect on the progress that South Africa has made in terms of women’s representation and participation in Parliament.

Women’s Representation in Parliament within the current electoral system

South Africa has a five-year electoral cycle. Effective oversight, law-making, public ...

World Parliament Day 2021

World Parliament Day was established in 2018 through a United Nations General Assembly Resolution.

The theme this year is focused on youth participation.

World Parliament Day is celebrated every year on 30 June and it recognises the day the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) was founded in 1889. The IPU empowers parliaments ...

The Week Ahead: Second Term Starts

Parliament starts second term

Parliament resumes this week after a constituency period.

The virtual/hybrid Parliament will continue for another term, with some MPs working from the precinct and others remotely.

According to the latest timetable, the NA programme will run for 5 weeks and the NCOP for 7 weeks.

Some of the highlights include ...

2021 First Term review of Parliament

The first term of Parliament officially ended on 19 March and MPs are on recess until 4 May 2021. However, it will still be busy for some MPs as a number of committees will still be meeting during this constituency period.

The major highlights for the eight week term include: ...

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