Communications problems: Budget vote confusion and a DA walk-out

On Tuesday, 1 July 2014, the Communications Portfolio Committee joined with the Telecommunications and Postal Services Portfolio Committee to hear the Department of Communications’ (DoC) and GCIS’ Strategic Plans, budgets and Annual Performance Plans for 2014. The mood in the committee room was tense with opposition MPs complaining that they ...

ISS and SAPU on SAPS and the latest crime stats

On Tuesday, the Portfolio Committee on Police heard input from the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the South African Policing Union (SAPU) on the South African Police Service’s budget and Annual Performance Plan for the year. Before hearing from their guests, Committee Researcher Ivan Kinnes did a brief presentation ...

Land expropriation without compensation? No thanks, says Minister

Yesterday during a Department’s budget briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform (RDLR), firebrand EFF MP Andile Mngxitama offered the RDLR Minister, Gugile Nkwinti, the EFF’s vote in order to get a two-thirds majority to amend the Constitution to expropriate land without compensation. The Minister politely ...

Farm Worker Evictions not up for discussion yet says ANC MPs

Last week Wednesday, 25 June 2014, during the discussion of the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform’s committee programme, a robust debate was held between ANC MPs and opposition MPs about whether or not farm worker evictions should be put on the agenda as a matter of urgency. ...

Infographic: Private Members' Bills - How effective have they been?

Prior to 2012, the introduction of bills into Parliament were exclusively in the hands of Ministers and Members of the Executive Council (MEC). The role of an MP was to oversee the implementation of these bills all the way to the President's desk. A new ruling in late 2012 sought ...

Infographic: Private Members' Bills - How effective have they been?

Prior to 2012, the introduction of bills into Parliament were exclusively in the hands of Ministers and Members of the Executive Council (MEC). The role of an MP was to oversee the implementation of these bills all the way to the President's desk. A new ruling in late 2012 sought ...

MPs raise concerns as Economic Development Minister addresses Committee

Yesterday marked the beginning of the second week of meetings for parliamentary committees. Last week, Committees met to formally elect their Chairpersons, while this week will focus on presentations of Annual Performance Plans (APP) and Strategic Plans, as well as budget discussions. People’s Assembly attended a joint meeting of the ...

The Week Ahead: All-day meetings for Parliament this week

Parliamentary committees officially kicked-off last week, as Members of Parliament (MPs) gathered in their committees and elected their chairpersons for the next five years. Once introductions were made, chairpersons took their seats and many began working on their agenda for the year. Based on the committee schedule for this week, ...

MP Corner: Khanyisile Litchfield-Tshabalala (EFF)

Economic Freedom Fighters MP, Khanyisile Litchfield-Tshabalala, impressed many with her recent maiden speech in Parliament when she spoke passionately without being note bound. See her in action during the SONA debates here. Prior to joining the EFF and becoming a Member of Parliament, she was the first woman to attain ...

The Parliamentary Calendar: How MPs spend their year

As newly elected Members of Parliament will soon find out, the function of an MP is manifold. Duties range from committee service, policy debating, oversight, and even embarking on international study trips.

People's Assembly has sampled the last five calendar years (2009-2013) of Parliament, and brought you a breakdown of ...

About Impressions

Not many people know there are fifty committees in Parliament - each assigned to oversee the work of a government department and YOU are welcome to attend. Email us if you would like to sit in on a parliamentary committee meeting. - all you need is an ID or passport to visit Parliament. Contributions about your impressions gladly accepted.

Here are comments from citizens attending parliamentary committee meetings:

About The Week in Parliament

That Week In Parliament

Recent happenings in Parliament