New and old MPs prepare for parliamentary duties

Yesterday, 3 June, new Members of Parliament (MPs) began a training course to learn the ins and outs of the complex legislative process and the processes and procedures of Parliament. Known as the on-boarding programme, new Members of the Fifth Parliament are given an induction, orientation and training to acquire ...

Overview of Fourth Parliament

2014 marks the twentieth year of democracy, and the end of the Fourth Parliament in South Africa. This overview highlights aspects of the work done by Parliament between 2009 and 2014. This is not intended to be a comprehensive analysis, but a broad sweep over some of the matters that ...

Overview of Fourth Parliament

2014 marks the twentieth year of democracy, and the end of the Fourth Parliament in South Africa. This overview highlights aspects of the work done by Parliament between 2009 and 2014. This is not intended to be a comprehensive analysis, but a broad sweep over some of the matters that ...

Religion and the law: Responses to the remarks of the Chief Justice

Delivering a speech at the Second Annual African Law and Religion Conference at Stellenbosch University, Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng’s controversial statements that infusing our laws with religion would lead to a high moral fibre in society, has caused a stir over the past few days.

“I believe that we can ...

Religion and the law: Responses to the remarks of the Chief Justice

Delivering a speech at the Second Annual African Law and Religion Conference at Stellenbosch University, Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng’s controversial statements that infusing our laws with religion would lead to a high moral fibre in society, has caused a stir over the past few days.

“I believe that we can ...

Zuma’s new cabinet: Opposition MP weighs in

Much has been said about President Zuma’s newly appointed Cabinet throughout the course of this week, including our interview with political commentator Aubrey Matshiqi and our impressions on the relationship between Cabinet and Parliament (here and here) - but what do opposition party members think?

People’s Assembly interviewed ...

Gender representation in Parliament: Beyond the numbers

As People’s Assembly recently published an infographic on the gender breakdown of seats in both houses of Parliament, we thought we’d go a step further and get some analysis on whether a higher number of women MPs translates into more gender equality in legislation. We caught up with honorary research ...

Deaf ex-MP comments on loss of Disability portfolio

Wilma Newhoudt-Druchen has experienced many firsts: She was South Africa’s first deaf MP as well as being the first woman and the first person from the African continent to fill the role of Vice President at the World Federation of the Deaf. While she is not returning to Parliament this ...

Parliament and Cabinet: Friends, Foes or Frenemies?

In many democratic societies, questions of accountability and efficiency are constantly being raised. As the new government begins its term and members of cabinet are appointed, people may wonder: What is the relationship between Parliament and the Cabinet? Does that relationship benefit or harm my rights? The People’s Assembly is ...

Parliament and Cabinet: Friends, Foes or Frenemies?

In many democratic societies, questions of accountability and efficiency are constantly being raised. As the new government begins its term and members of cabinet are appointed, people may wonder: What is the relationship between Parliament and the Cabinet? Does that relationship benefit or harm my rights? The People’s Assembly is ...

About Impressions

Not many people know there are fifty committees in Parliament - each assigned to oversee the work of a government department and YOU are welcome to attend. Email us if you would like to sit in on a parliamentary committee meeting. - all you need is an ID or passport to visit Parliament. Contributions about your impressions gladly accepted.

Here are comments from citizens attending parliamentary committee meetings:

About The Week in Parliament

That Week In Parliament

Recent happenings in Parliament