Infographic: Update on the appointment of the Public Protector

The President has to appoint the Public Protector for a non-renewable term of 7 years, on the recommendation of the National Assembly. Adv Thuli Madonsela's term ends on 19 October 2016 and the process for the appointment of her successor kicked off in May 2016 through the establishment of an ad hoc committee to nominate a person for appointment of Public Protector.

In a media briefing on 22 June 2016, it was confirmed that the Committee has received 21 nominations and applications so far and that nominations included the current Public Protector, Adv Thuli Madonsela, as well as her deputy, Adv Kevin Malunga. Adv Madonsela cannot be considered for the position again since legislation limits occupation of the office to one term.

According to the Committee, names of all the nominations and applications will be publicised in the week after the 24 June deadline. The names will be made public on Parliament’s website and social media platforms and there will be an email address where people can send their comments or objections. When sending their comments or objections, members of the public are required to disclose their identity, because anonymous comments will not be entertained.

Despite a request by Corruption Watch to extend the deadline for the public comment/objection period and to publish the CVs, the Committee expressed their commitment to the established timeline.

Abridged CVs will be provided as the Chairperson believes that publishing the full CV is an invasion of privacy although the advert did state that "Applications and nominations will be subjected to public screening.

The public comment period, the short listing and interview processes will be conducted in time for the Committee to table its preferred candidate to the National Assembly before 31 August 2016.

See infographic on the nomination process below:



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