The Week Ahead: End of the Term

The constituency period beckons for both Houses, with MPs due to sign off on Thursday. It’s also the last rites for the National Assembly, with lawmakers returning on 21 May. Meanwhile, NCOP delegates will return on 15 April.

Many will immediately go out on the campaign trail (at least those seeking re-election), while others will be contemplating their next chapter: retirement, a new career and life as an ordinary member of the public.

Parliament's term expires at midnight on 21 May 2024. The term is determined by the NA's first sitting after the previous elections (the first sitting was on 22 May 2019). The Assembly remains competent to perform its functions from the time it is dissolved, or its term expires until the day before the first day of polling for the next Assembly. So from 21 May to 28 May midnight, the NA can meet for any business.

There is no opportunity to go through the motions as a fair amount of heavy-duty business will be done before they go.

The main point of interest is the Deputy President’s appearance in the NA – on Thursday – to answer oral questions. He will be probed on a variety of topics in line with the broad tasks assigned to him

Tuesday’s sitting focuses on finalising several committee reports and bills. These include the Pension Funds Amendment Bill, South African Drug-Fee Institute Amendment Bill, National Nuclear Regulator Amendment Bill, South African National Water Resources Infrastructure SOC Limited Bill, Division of Revenue Bill, Gold and Foreign Exchange Contingency Reserve Account Defrayal Amendment Bill, and General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, among others.

On Wednesday, select ministers in the Economics cluster will have their final Question Time engagement with legislators.

Over in the NCOP, the House has arranged only one sitting day – Tuesday – to consider the National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill, the IPID Amendment Bill, the National Youth Development Agency Amendment Bill, the Companies Amendment Bill, and the Housing Consumer Protection Bill.

Away from Parliament, a multiparty parliamentary delegation is participating at the 148th IPU Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

Beyond this, the NPA’s investigation into allegations of corruption against the National Assembly Speaker continues to reverberate, and we can expect more reaction. There have been calls for her to resign, and a formal motion of no confidence against her has been submitted. Meanwhile, Parliament has indicated that the work of the National Assembly remains unaffected, with Deputy Speaker, Lechesa Tsenoli assuming the role of Speaker.

The Committee corridor is the site for several important meetings. Here is a rundown of the highlights:


Standing Committee on Finance, (National Assembly) [Consideration and adoption of the motion of desirability on the Responsible Spending Bill[B9-2023]], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-12:00

Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Deliberations on the Expropriation Bill as returned by Council for concurrence; Consideration and adoption of the report; Consideration and adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting (20 March 2024)], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-12:00

Select Committee on Finance, (National Council of Provinces), [Finalisation of the Revenue Laws Amendment Bill [B39B - 2023]; Briefing by NT on the Pension Fund Amendment Bill [B3-2024]; Processing of the Public Procurement Bill [B18B – 2023]], Virtual Meeting Platform, 10:00-13:00

Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Water and Sanitation and Human Settlements, National Council of Provinces), [Tabling of Final Mandates on Housing Consumer Protection Bill [B10D - 2021]; Tabling of the Bill clause by clause; Consideration and Adoption of the Housing Consumer Protection Bill [B10D - 2021]], Virtual Meeting Platform, 11:00-14:00

Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament, (National Assembly and National Council of Provinces), [Consideration and adoption of committee minutes; and Sixth Parliament Legacy Report of the JSCFMP], Virtual Meeting Platform, 13:00-14:00

Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies, (National Assembly), [Briefing by Department on SABC Corporate Plan and progress on stop gap measures; Briefing by the Oversight Task Team on the SAPO/BRP implementation; Adoption of the Revised APP Report; Adoption of minutes], Virtual Meeting Platform, 18:30-21:30 (After Plenary)


Standing Committee on Appropriations, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of the Committee`s Legacy Report for the 6thParliament 2019 – 2024], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-12:00

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Adoption of Final Legacy Report], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-13:00

Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, (National Assembly), [09:00-11:00: Briefing by South African Local Government Association (SALGA) on challenges in the implementation of the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act, 1998; 11:00-11:30: Briefing by Ms L Powell, the sponsor of the Bill on the proposed amendments on the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act, 1998 A/B [B6-23 (s76)] Referred on 17 October 2023 – Private Members Bill; 11:30-12:30: Response by the Department of Human Settlements on the above presentations; 12:30-13:00: Consideration and adoption of minutes and reports], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-13:00

Standing Committee on Public Accounts, (National Assembly), [Follow-up meeting with the National Treasury, DPSA, and SITA on issues related to progress made regarding the IFMS implementation plans and update SIU investigations], Committee Room M46, Ground Floor, Marks Building, Parliament, 09:00-14:00

Portfolio Committee on Health, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of the Committee’s legacy report; Consideration and adoption of minutes], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:30-11:30

Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of report of the Committee on the petition of the Former Director-General on allegations of irregularity on the cancelled South African Airways - Takatso strategic equity partnership; Consideration and adoption of Legacy Report; Consideration and adoption of minutes], Virtual Meeting Platform, 10:00

Select Committee on Appropriations, (National Council of Provinces), [Consultation with South African Local Government Association (SALGA) on the Division of Revenue Bill [B4 – 2024]; Briefing by PBO on the: Division of Revenue Bill [B4 – 2024]; Second Adjustments Appropriation (2023/24 financial year) Bill [B6 – 2024]; and Gold and Foreign Exchange Contingency Reserve Account Defrayal Amendment Bill [B7 - 2024]], Virtual Meeting Platform, 10:00-13:00


Joint Standing Committee on Defence, (National Assembly and National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the NCACC on its 2023 Annual Report; Consideration and adoption of the JSCD Legacy Report for the 6th Parliament; Consideration of outstanding minutes], Virtual Meeting Platform, 18:00-21:00

Select Committee on Finance, (National Council of Provinces), [Consideration of negotiating mandates on the Public Procurement Bill [B18B-2023]], Virtual Meeting Platform, After House Sitting

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