Ndiyabulela Sekela Somlomo. Xa urhulumente okhokelwa nguKhongolose esithi uyazibophelela ekunikeleni ngezindlu kubantu abangathathi ntweni, aqhube avule amathuba kuluntu lonke lweli, ukuze lufumane izindlu ngokuzikhethela nangokuhambelana neepokotho zalo kananjalo neendawo oluthanda ukuhlala kuzo, sukube engadli imbadu ngasebuhlanti.
Ngomhla we-8 kuMeyi ka-2007 iKomiti yeziNdlu apha ePalamente ngokubambisene neSebe lezeziNdlu, iye yamema zonke iintlaka ezithabatha inxaxheba kulwakhiwo lwezindlu ukususela kundlunkulu ukuya kwiphondo, uRhulumente wezeKhaya kuqukwa nezinye izigqeba noluntu ngokubanzi. Baye bahlanganisa izandla kusakhiwa, kwaza kwanikezelwa ngezindlu ezimbini kumaxhoba eentlekele zemvula nezikhukula eDutyini, eMount Ayliff, kweleMpuma Koloni. Apha ke ndithetha ngoNkskz Ntombile Luthwitsha kunye noNkskz Ntshingiwe Mbulawa. (Translation of isiXhosa paragraphs follows.)
[Mrs B N DAMBUZA (ANC): Thank you Deputy Speaker. The ANC-led government is not playing marbles when it says that it is committing itself to providing the poor people with houses and continues to open opportunities to all the people of this country in order to enable them to get houses of their choice, and in accordance with what they can afford, as well as choose areas where they would like to stay.
On 8 May 2007, the parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Housing, in collaboration with the Department of Housing, invited all the groups participating in the building of houses at national and provincial level, the local government including other structures and the community at large. They joined hands in building houses and two were handed over to victims of disaster and floods at Dutyini, Mount Ayliff, in the Eastern Cape. Here I am talking about Mrs Ntombile Luthwitsha and Mrs Ntshingiwe Mbulawa.]
The objective of this campaign was to demonstrate that provision of human settlement to our communities is a reality, and through the people's contract things can happen. The portfolio committee would like to express appreciation to Minister Lindiwe Sisulu and her department for their commitment and leading role in the provision of resources to make this campaign a success. I thank you. [Applause.]