Isitetjhi samapholisa sePumalanga ye-Mamelodi savulwa ngokomthetho nguNgqongqotjhe wezokuPhepha nokuVikeleka, umHlonitjhwa uCharles Nqakula, mhla zili- 12 kuSihlabantangana -April 2007.
Ukwakhiwa kwesitetjhi samapholisesi kwenze ukuzibandakanya okuqakathekileko ukuqinisekisa ukufikeleleka kwemisebenzi yokuthula nokunzinza. Lokhu kuqakathekile ekuthuthukisweni kwemiphakathi yethu.
Umphakathi waveza ukwaneliseka kwawo bewamukela nephrojekthi leyo ngelanga lokuvula, kibo, lokhu kutjho ukupheliswa kokusebenza kwesikhatjhana kwamapholisa nemisebenzi yangasikhathi yabomakhamba ngendlwana besipholisa nemisebenzi yesipholisa elawulwa ngaphandle kwe-Mamelodi.
Kufanele kwazeke kobana nangaphambi kokwakhiwa nokuvulwa ngokomthetho kwesitetjhi samapholisesi, umsebenzi wesipholisa endaweni le bewuraga kuhle, begodu ukwakhiwa kwesitetjhesi kuzokungezelela umsebenzi omuhle owenziweko wokulwa nobelelesi.
Sithi usebenze kuhle umnyango wezokuPhepha nokuVikeleka begodu sithokozisa abantu bePumalanga ye-Mamelodi ngetuthuko le, begodu siyababawa kobana basekele ngokuzibandakanya okukhulu eenhlanganweni zesipholisa emphakathini wangekhabo. Ngiyathokoza. (Translation of isiNdebele member's statement follows.)
[Mr D C MABENA (ANC): The police station in Mamelodi East was officially opened by the Minister of Safety and Security hon Charles Nqakula on 12 April 2007.
The establishment of this police station made this important participation possible, to ensure that services for peace and stability are accessible. This is important in the development of our communities.
The community expressed its satisfaction and accepted the project on the day of opening; this meant the end of temporary policing and occasional services provided by police mobile units that are controlled outside of Mamelodi.
It must be known that even before the establishment and official opening of this police station, the work of the police in this area continued very well and the establishment of this police station will add to the good work done in the fight against crime.
We applaud the Department of Safety and Security and congratulate the people of Mamelodi East on this development and we request them to support it by participating, specially in Community Policing Forums in their community. Thank you.]