Mr Speaker, on behalf of the IFP I move without notice:
That the House -
1) notes that 8 March 2010 marks International Women's Day, which celebrates the economic, political and social development of women worldwide;
2) further notes that violence against women is rife around the world and is not only restricted to underprivileged households;
3) recognises that violence against women is also linked to the spread of HIV/Aids and that in some countries as many as one in three women will be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in their lifetime; 4) acknowledges that South Africans have become active in combating violence against women, but that more needs to be done to eradicate this unsocial behaviour; and
5) calls upon all South Africans to stand together and speak out against women abuse that takes place in their respective communities, to help the police identify the perpetrators of women abuse and to offer support to victims of abuse.
Agreed to.