Madam Deputy Speaker, I move without notice:
That the House -
(1) notes that on 5 and 6 March 2010, the Cancer Association of South Africa, known as Cansa, will be hosting the seventh Shavathon; (2) further notes that cancer is a life-threatening disease which affects millions of South African men and women, irrespective of age or status;
(3) recognises that there are more than 200 different kinds of cancer and it affects the lives of one in four South Africans, with more than 80 000 dying from the disease each year;
(4) acknowledges that Cansa is one of the largest funders of cancer research in South Africa, and the country's largest charity dedicated to cancer research, facilitating care and support to those who are diagnosed, as well as their families; and
(5) calls on all South Africans, especially the leaders represented in this House, to show solidarity with and support for this effort by shaving or colouring their hair.
Agreed to.