Madam Deputy Speaker, I move without notice:
That the House -
(1) notes that on 2 March 2010 six people died, among them high school children, when the minibus in which they were travelling was hit by a train in Welgeval outside Rustenburg;
(2) further notes that there are still over 7 500 railway crossings in South Africa and these railway crossings are often open or uncontrolled and sometimes without warning lights to warn of approaching trains;
(3) further notes that 95 per cent of crashes at railway crossings are caused by driver error;
(4) expresses its sincere condolences to the families of the casualties of this accident; and
(5) calls upon the government to improve the infrastructure of railway crossings to reduce the risk and calls on road users who make use of these railway crossings to follow the road rules and signs and pay attention to their environment when approaching a railway crossing.
Agreed to.