Mnr die Speaker, 10 dae gelede op 'n rustige Sondagoggend in Krugersdorp was daar 'n ontstellende voorval op 'n supermarkparkeerterrein. 'n Ou man in 'n bakkie veroorsaak per ongeluk 'n klein skrapie aan 'n Mercedes Benz se buffer. Die bestuurder van die Mercedes Benz is woedend, en sy maak dadelik 'n selfoonoproep na iemand. Binne twee minute is daar twee polisievoertuie met ses polisiemanne op die toneel.
Die ou man is bleek geskrik, en hy bewe van angs toe die een polisieman aggressief teen hom staan en sy vinger in sy gesig druk. Omstanders wys die polisieman dat daar slegs 'n klein skrapie is, maar die polisieman beskuldig hulle hatig: "Nee, dis 'n crime [misdaad]". Mense neem foto's, maar die polisie dreig hulle ook.
Een persoon wat die situasie probeer ontlont, word sommer hande agter die rug gearresteer en in die polisievoertuig gestop. Die boeie is te styf, en binne oomblikke is sy hande rooi en opgeswel. Hy skreeu van pyn en smeek om hulp. Dis tevergeefs; hy is nou in die polisie se sorg.
Hierdie soort brutaliteit is die vierde in 'n maand in een kiesafdeling. Mense behoort op die polisie te vertrou vir beskerming, maar hulle word geviktimiseer, soos deur die President se eie bloulig-brigade. [Tussenwerpsels.] Intimidasie deur enkele polisielede gee aan almal 'n swak naam. Dit moet stop. [Applous.] (Translation of Afrikaans member's statement follows.)
[Ms A M DREYER (DA): Mr Speaker, 10 days ago on a peaceful Sunday morning in Krugersdorp, an alarming incident took place in a supermarket parking area. An elderly gentleman who was driving a bakkie accidently scraped the buffer of a Mercedes Benz. The driver of the Mercedes Benz was furious and immediately made a call on her cellphone. Within two minutes six police officers in two police vehicles arrived on the scene.
The elderly gentleman was in a state of shock and started trembling with fear when one of them stood aggressively in front of him and shoved a finger in his face. Bystanders pointed out to the police officer that the damage was only minimal, but the policeman responded accusingly: "No, this is a crime." Some people were taking pictures, but the police threatened them as well.
An individual who attempted to defuse the situation was arrested with his hands tied behind his back and thrown into a police vehicle. The handcuffs were too tight and within seconds his hands were red and swollen. He was shouting in pain and pleading for help, but to no avail. He is currently in police custody.
This is the fourth incident in a month of this type of brutality that has happened in our wards. People should be depending on the police for their protection, but they are being victimised, even by the blue-light brigade of the President. [Interjections.] Intimidation by a single police member is tarnishing everybody's name. It must come to an end. [Applause.]]