Mr Speaker, the UDM notes that a student protest is under way at various university campuses today, under the auspices of the ANC-aligned SA Students Congress, Sasco.
Despite assurances of peaceful demonstration by Sasco, the day started with violence, class disruptions and road blockages at the University of Johannesburg. It provides a stark contrast to the recent peaceful mass demonstration at the University of Cape Town, UCT, led by its vice chancellor, who spoke with eloquence of the pain and suffering that we all experience at the hands of criminals while the state fails to provide the protection that is constitutionally applicable.
How ironic it is that the local ANC Youth League branches are complaining about the vice chancellor's dignified words in defence of our most basic civil rights. There is a worrying trend among so-called "youth leaders" aligned to the ruling party who seem to celebrate brashness and hooliganism above everything else.
Sasco's supposed concern about certain students who have not been able to study is in complete contrast to their actions that prevent others from studying while they protest. As for the ANC Youth League, the attack on the UCT vice chancellor looks petty. It is disrespectful of university students and staff who have been victims of a spate of unsolved murders. The youth of this country is facing severe economic and social challenges. The last thing they need right now is a group of charlatans who are claiming to speak on their behalf when they really do not care... [Time expired.] [Applause.]