House Chair, the ACDP moves without notice:
That the House - 1) notes that on 5 March 2010 the Independent Online news portal reported that Thabang, a seven-year-old HIV-positive boy, who is gravely ill, went to Mohlakeng Clinic in Randfontein expecting to receive ARVs, but was turned away with nothing more than protein porridge;
2) further notes that the Gauteng health department has acknowledged that Thabang had not been handled according to protocol by staff at the Mohlakeng Clinic and was never referred to a physician for examination, nor was his blood drawn to determine his CD4 count; and
3) expresses its anger at how Thabang's case had been handled, which reflects gross incompetence, and further appreciates the prompt response by the Gauteng department of health in instituting remedial action and urgent investigation into the matter.
Agreed to.