Chairperson, I move without notice:
That the Council -
1) notes the Cape Times of 10 March 2010 which reveals that Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, former wife of former President Nelson Mandela, claims that he did nothing for the poor and betrayed the black nation;
2) also notes that she has now gone underground and is hiding from the media while they seek answers to why she made such statements;
(3) further notes that if this statement is true, it is uncalled for and unacceptable in the eyes of the nation and is a deed of no respect and injustice to the former President of the ANC, former President of the country, the father of our nation, a man who has done and is still doing a huge favour to mankind and the world; and
(4) calls on the ANC and the world to bring Winnie Madikizela-Mandela to book for her uncalled-for utterance against the father of our nation, Nelson Mandela.
Hayi! Asikwazi ukuyisekela leyo, Sihlalo. [No! We cannot support that, Chairperson.]
In light of the objection, the motion without notice will now become a notice of motion.
At this juncture we recognise the presence of the Deputy Minister of Finance, who is present in the House. Welcome.