Adjunkvoorsitter, ek stel sonder kennis voor:
Dat die Raad -
1) kennis neem van die toespraak van mnr Julius Malema, president van die ANC-jeugliga, soos uitgesaai op op 9 Maart, 2010 waarin hy verklaar dat die agb Helen Zille, Premier van die Wes-Kaap, asook die nasionale leier van die Demokratiese Alliansie, satanisties is;
2) verder kennis neem dat die Demokratiese Alliansie ten sterkste en met misnoe verklaar dat sy uitlatings verkeerd, onregverdig en onaanvaarbaar is; en
3) derhalwe die gewraakte uitlaatings van mnr Malema ten sterkste verwerp.
Dankie. (Translation of Afrikaans draft resolution follows.)
[Mr M J R DE VILLIERS: Deputy Chairperson, I move without notice:
That the Council -
(1) notes the speech by Mr Julius Malema, president of the ANC Youth League, which was broadcast on on 9 March 2010, and in which he stated that the hon Helen Zille, Premier of the Western Cape as well as national leader of the Democratic Alliance, was a satanist;
(2) further notes that the Democratic Alliance has declared in the strongest terms and with displeasure that his utterances are incorrect unfair and unacceptable; and
(3) therefore strongly repudiates Mr Malema's objectionable remarks.
Thank you.]
Chair, I object to that motion.
In light of the objection, the motion without notice will now become a notice of motion.