Madam Deputy Speaker, on the next sitting day of the House, I shall move:
That this House debates the state of readiness of our health facilities and health professionals for the upcoming 2010 Fifa World Cup.
Madam Deputy Speaker, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House, I shall move the following motion on behalf of the DA:
That the House debates measures and the possible implementation thereof by which government's home-building programme can be designed to take into account the needs of people who live with disabilities, and possible solutions.
Deputy Speaker, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House, I shall move the following motion on behalf of the IFP:
That the House -
(1) debates the need to promote the education of our children, especially those in rural areas and conditions of poverty, above the levels of skills, human development and education, not only of their parents, but also of their teachers, so as to ensure that the lack of human development caused by oppression, colonialism and apartheid does not carry over to the new generation born in freedom; and
(2) debates the need to cause the education of our children to leapfrog into a future of modernity by giving consideration to the possibility of providing each of our children with an iPad or Kindle- type personal device which allows them to receive, by radio signal, the very textbooks which the state is now struggling and failing to deliver.
Madam Deputy Speaker, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House I shall move:
That the House -
1) debates the report on the National Student Financial Aid scheme, announced by Minister Nzimande; and
(2) debates the issue of access to higher education institutions for poor students.
Deputy Speaker, on behalf of Cope I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House, I shall move the following motion:
That the House debates what appears to be a highly irregular tender awarded by Transnet to a company by the name of GNS Security Services, closely associated with the Minister of Communications, Siphiwe Nyanda.
Rev K R J MESHOE: Deputy Speaker, on behalf of the ACDP, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House, I shall move the following motion:
That the House -
(1) debates whether or not the singing of the struggle song "Dubula ibhunu", meaning "Shoot the boer", undermines the process of forgiveness, reconciliation and nation-building that the nation is enjoying currently; and
(2) debates whether it has any relevance in the new democratic order.
Deputy Speaker, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House, I shall move the following motion on behalf of the DA:
That the House -
(1) debates the problem of the insufficient number of doctors in our health sector, in light of the fact that over the period of 2004 to 2008 the number of doctors qualifying in South Africa declined from 1 394 to 1 306 and the fact that 17% of doctors leave South Africa after qualifying; and
(2) debates possible ways in which both government and the private sector can rectify the situation.
Madam Deputy Speaker, I hereby give notice that I intend moving, on behalf of the DA, the following motion:
That the House -
(1) debates measures to curtail wasteful expenditure in light of the high and growing rate of wasteful expenditure by this government since its inception in May 2010, particularly amongst government Ministers; and
(2) debates improved mechanisms whereby government can be compelled to account for such expenditure.