Madam Deputy Speaker, on behalf of the IFP, I move without notice:
That the House -
(1) notes that World Tuberculosis Day is observed on 24 March of each year and that its aims are to unite hundreds of medical and volunteer organisations across the globe to raise public awareness on the need for immediate action against the disease, prevention and elimination of this disease;
(2) further notes that tuberculosis remains a serious epidemic in many parts of the world, leading to the deaths of approximately 1,6 million people each year, mostly in the Third World;
(3) recognises that World Tuberculosis Day not only draws attention to tuberculosis as a worldwide pandemic, but also focuses attention on the fact that the disease can be cured if researchers are able to find a cure or a worthwhile antidote;
(4) further notes that South Africa has recently been hard-hit as the infections of TB have almost tripled because of our high HIV rate; and
(5) calls upon South Africans to take responsibility for their health and get themselves tested for tuberculosis as soon as they suspect that they might have been infected with the disease.
Agreed to.