3. The Corrections programme provides needs-based correctional sentence plans and interventions based on an assessment of an inmate's security and criminal profile. It targets all elements associated with offending behaviour, and focuses on the offence for which a person is sentenced to correctional supervision, remanded in a correctional centre, or paroled. The programme receives only 10,5% of the total budget and reflects a 27,38% increase and a real increase of only R240 million. 99,3% of the allocation to this programme will go towards employee compensation. Increases in expenditure are ascribed to the implementation of the OSD and Seven-Day Establishment (7DE) and inflation related salary adjustments. 4. The Care programme provides for needs-based programmes and services aimed at maintaining the personal wellbeing of incarcerated offenders by facilitating physical fitness, social functioning, health care, and spiritual, moral and psychological wellbeing. The allocation to this programme shows a 5,06% decrease from the previous year and receives only R1, 504 billion, 47% of which will go towards employee compensation. The increase in expenditure on this programme over the MTEF is mainly due to additional remuneration for health care workers in line with the OSD and inflation related salary adjustments.