Deputy Chairperson, I move without notice:
That the Council -
1) notes with the utmost dismay the attack and robbery of two paramedics attending to a scene in Masiphumelele, Cape Town, on Tuesday, 24 April 2012;
2) further notes that the paramedics were assaulted and robbed of their wallets, cellphones and ambulance keys by a gang of drunk lunatics who had no regard and respect for the sanctity of the work performed by paramedics in saving the lives of people; and
3) condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless crime and calls on the people of Masiphumelele to work with the police to ensure that these lunatics face the full might of the law and that communities rise up to protect paramedics in their communities, especially when they respond to emergencies at night.
Motion agreed to in accordance with section 65 of the Constitution.