Madam Chair, on behalf of the DA I hereby move without notice:
That the Council -
(1) notes that the Zimbabwean government has approached the South African government for financial assistance and that Minister Gordhan is due to meet Zimbabwean Finance Minister Biti later this month;
(2) further notes the failure of Zanu PF to allow the full implementation of the accord agreed upon between Zanu PF and the MDC, the failure of Zanu PF to accept the constitution that it has negotiated with the MDC and the reported intimidation tactics against their opponents adopted before previous elections by Zanu PF, as well as the apparent current escalation of these tactics;
(3) the Council therefore resolves to call upon the South African government to impose strict conditions on any financial assistance to Zimbabwe and that such conditions must include:
a) the full implementation of the accord agreed to between the MDC and Zanu PF;
b) the adoption by Zanu PF of the new constitution for Zimbabwe as negotiated with the MDC;
c) the implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
d) the immediate cessation of political intimidation and the full protection by the police and justice of anyone exposed to intimidation and violence.
Are there any objections?
In view of the objection, the motion may not be proceeded with. The motion without notice therefore becomes a notice of motion.