Mr Speaker, we appreciate the DA congratulating the President; we note their confidence. I hereby move without notice:
That the House -
(1) notes that South African NGO Gift of the Givers continues to impress the world, this time by doing extremely vital humanitarian work in war-torn Syria;
(2) further notes that the team consisting of forty-six health practitioners is working in a hospital and clinic set up by Gift of the Givers and is performing life-saving work among victims of the civil war and also treating general medical conditions; (3) acknowledges that last weekend they faced real risk when both Darkoush and the nearby Jisr-al Shugur came under heavy attack;
(4) further acknowledges that in less than 48 hours on their arrival more than 500 patients were already attended to, including the delivery of twins and several surgical procedures; and
(5) calls on the Government and citizens to recognise the good work that Gift of the Givers is doing as ambassadors of the goodwill of the people of this country.
Agreed to.