Speaker, yesterday the Minister of Communications crossed the high-risk line of declaring war on those who buy ink by the barrel and paper by the kilometre. The story is bound to escalate. By attacking the messenger rather than repudiating the facts and allegations stacked up against her and by peddling conspiracy theory rather than responding to straight questions, the Minister of Communications is digging herself deeper into a pit of controversy and suspicion.
Straight questions for oral reply on the Information Communications Technologies Indaba, ICT, fiasco posed in this House last year, were removed minutes before she had to respond to them, citing eminent appearance before the Ethics Committee. Speaker, that was eight months ago. The Minister has now unfortunately ventured into the public debate in an attempt to claim victim status.
Hon Speaker, on a point of order.
Yes, sir? There is a point of order, hon member.
Our understanding of the Rules is that the member should bring a substantive statement. Now, this is not acceptable in our view. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Hon Speaker ...
May I continue?
Hon member, please hold on, there is another point of order.
Hon Speaker, may I address you on the point of order raised by the Chief Whip?
That is why I am giving you the floor.
Thank you, sir. There is no such a thing referred to as a substantive statement. It does not exist in any of the Rules.
Proceed, hon member.
Thank you, hon Speaker. Unfortunately, her attempt to profess innocence revealed a disconcerting mindset that has permeated throughout this government, namely the belief that high office equals power to dispense patronage and dish out lucrative tenders. By dragging the issue of the multibillion rand tenders for the manufacturing of set-top boxes for digital migration into the equation, the Minister has actually provided an answer to the many questions asked about the real reason for the delays that have surrounded the process over the past five years - digital migration. What should have been a straightforward technical and commercial process has, under her watch, become a battleground fraught with political intervention ... [Time expired.]