6.1.1 The office is neat, well identifiable, and accessible to the public and people with disabilities. It is, however, not near the public transport facilities. The building has a number of rooms that are not utilised. The building is in a good condition. 6.1.2 There were three investigating officers and one administration clerk at the office. The job description of the clerk is to arrange the trips of the investigating officers. The investigating officers carry amongst them a total of 112 cases of which only 9 are active dockets. Three were assault cases and was carried by a junior investigator. The senior investigator has six rape cases under investigation. Other dockets were at court. Two of the three investigators are former police officers with detective training. The other investigator who is also used to input statistics in the computer system was not able to state whether she had obtained her investigative training. She is currently undergoing training as an investigator because she was previously trained as a case analyst. 6.1.3 The investigating officers always referred to Regulation 20 in their recommendations to SAPS but they were unable to explain what this Regulation entails. The Committee inspected different registers and they do not reflect the cases that are open. The numbers that were in the registers were not necessarily case numbers. Forensic reports were not in the register allocated but were found on the other register. In finalised registers, some pages were torn-off. The majority of the cases were closed unsubstantiated with no further explanation. There were no copies of the recommendations made. 6.1.4 The dockets to court register did not contain the complainant's name, and there were no signatures to reflect that the docket was indeed taken to court. The senior investigator alleged that he was attending the court but according to the court register there was no court that day and the last court date was in February 2012. 6.1.5 The office did not have access to the Provincial database. Neither did it have access to their own data once the docket was closed. 6.1.6 There are no systems for docket control. The registers are not inspected. There were two counts of rape by one police officer at Upington LCRC and that person was still working and was never suspended.