Speaker, on 19 March 2013 members of the Human Settlements Portfolio Committee attended the launch of the Chair for Education in Human Settlements Development and Management at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, NMMU. Minister Tokyo Sexwale, during his 2012 Budget Vote speech, drew attention to the lack of capacity in this area. This deficiency will now be met. As from 2014, the NMMU will offer a Bachelors of Human Settlement Development, BHSD, degree. This will provide learners with specialist knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to develop sustainable human settlements that will create an improved quality of life.
The BHSD degree will offer a four-year course with specialist subjects such as Human Settlement Management, Local Government Law, House Design and Services, House Construction and Maintenance, as well as other fields.
This degree has been made a reality because of the vision and determination of many people over a period of 20 years under the leadership of Prof Kobus van Wyk. This degree is sponsored by Minister Tokyo Sexwale through the Chair for Human Settlements Development and Management. From 2016 it will earn a subsidy from the national Department of Higher Education and Training.
Parliament welcomes this initiative made possible by the university and the Minister. We look forward to the first students graduating in 2017. Thank you. [Applause]