Speaker, the DA is shocked that the SA National Roads Agency Limited, Sanral, is considering - and I say "considering" - erecting toll roads all over South Africa. Sanral is considering tolling the N3 between Durban and Pietermaritzburg, the N12 between Kimberley and Johannesburg, and various sections of the N1 at Musina, at Kroonstad, and at Botlokwa. This is in addition to wanting to toll the N2 and N1 in the Western Cape, the Gauteng e-toll, and others in the Eastern Cape.
Let me be absolutely clear that toll roads are a political issue. It is an issue that will negatively impact on the lives of millions of road users and, mostly, the lives of the poor. That is profoundly political. Until recently, the toll roads budget has been less than the combined takings of the fuel levy. In addition, provincial departments continue to adjust their roads budgets and spend fuel levy money essentially on other projects.
The DA proposes that a dedicated, ring-fenced road maintenance fund must be established and that this is funded through the fuel levy. We cannot allow the overtaxation of people to continue in the face of continued loss of taxpayers' money through corrupt government practices, maladministration and, specifically, irregular expenditure. The DA is opposed to the e-toll roll-out, and we will continue to fight it. [Applause.]