Hon Speaker, the hon Lekota should have just honestly said, "I like wearing blankets and I enjoy horse meat." That is just what you should say about yourself, hon Lekota. [Laughter.]
Speaker, I think one can only but feel sorry for the DA, given its pathetic attempt to try and craft struggle credentials for it. The ANC member who made the first statement is absolutely correct that you cannot draw history with a sketching pen and believe that that in someway casts you as heroic in the struggle against apartheid. To call on the leaders of the ANC and their appreciation for the role of a person who served as the lone woman in this Parliament, often not supported by many in her own community and parties that followed to this day suddenly to appear to install her, is really historical dishonesty of the worst proportions. [Applause.]
All we can say in response is that no amount of dissembling about history will cast a blight on the unparalleled history of the ANC in waging and leading the fight against apartheid. We have never claimed that this was done by the ANC on its own. We have always referred to others who played a role including the recognition of persons such as Mr Colin Wells Eglin as well as the late Mrs Helen Suzman. I do not recall that Mrs Suzman was a party card-holding member of the DA, but it is this desperation that is exhibited today. Thank you, Speaker.