Hon Deputy Speaker, hon Deputy President, I move without notice:
That the House -
1) notes with sadness a great loss in the passing on of one of South Africa's greatest social scientists, Professor Bernard Magubane, a prominent author, activist and anthropologist, on Friday, 12 April 2013, at the age of 83, at his home in Johannesburg;
2) further notes that Professor Magubane was a teacher by profession, and due to his passion for education, he progressed in his studies leading him on to the University of Natal and eventually to the United States of America, in 1961, for postgraduate studies in the social sciences;
3) remembers that Professor Magubane spent his years in exile, where, as a member of the ANC, he played a vital role in the struggle against apartheid, leading the anti-apartheid movement in the USA and beyond;
4) further remembers that he was as an outstanding academic and a leading Marxist intellectual, who had an understanding of and pursued South African and African history and sociology through Marxism, a journey that shaped him as a leading African intellectual;
5) recalls that as a result of his outstanding contribution to social science, Professor Magubane was honoured, in 1999, by former President Nelson Mandela;
6) believes that South Africa has lost a true inspirational leader and a great intellectual, and his contribution to the intellectual discourse in South Africa and the world will be felt in many generations to come; and
7) conveys its deepest condolences to the Magubane family, friends and the ANC.
Agreed to.