Hon House Chair, hon Ministers, hon Deputy Ministers and hon members of the House, the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education conducted its oversight visits to underperforming districts in Limpopo, Northern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape at the beginning of this year.
The committee focused on critical issues such as the state of school environments; the supply and training of teachers; readiness to implement the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement, CAPS, with emphasis on the Intermediate Phase; the state of admission and registration of learners; the delivery of textbooks, workbooks and stationery; the functionality of school governance and management bodies; and also the availability of learner transport and school nutrition to qualifying learners.
Despite the good work noted in this Report that was done in preparation for the 2013 school year, issues of concern were also observed. The highlighted areas of concern that needed to be strengthened within the department include the lack of necessary CAPS training to some districts and the persistent shortage of textbooks and workbooks - despite major strides being made this year by provinces and the Department of Basic Education, DBE, in the delivery of textbooks. It is highlighted within the Report because we have visited the schools and the districts where such the schools are located. We have put down all our concerns and observations, and even our recommendations. One area that needs attention is post provisioning, which includes maths and science teachers. We noticed that, at certain schools, post provisioning was not done according to subject needs. Other areas highlighted include the nonimplementation of the Annual National Assessment, ANA, as a diagnostic tool to improve learner performance, the late admission of learners, and the nonfunctionality of quality learning and teaching in many schools visited, and other challenges.
Our findings and recommendations will assist in identifying areas that need to be strengthened, and will contribute to finding effective solutions to challenges encountered by districts and schools as indicated in this Report. We have made overall recommendations in this Report that we are tabling for adoption. Thank you.
There was no debate.
House Chairperson, I move:
That the report be adopted.
Motion agreed to.
Report accordingly adopted.