Deputy Speaker, I want to respond to the statement made by the hon member, in my capacity as a constituency Member of Parliament, MP, deployed in the De Doorens area, about how the strikes that took place there are politically motivated, and are conspiracies to undermine the good governance of the DA in the Western Cape. What I want to say is that it is exactly that kind of attitude that counts the DA out of any kind of project trying to place the agricultural sector on a footing for a shared prosperous future. It is exactly that kind of attitude that makes it impossible for them to understand that what we are talking about is not a conspiracy.
Hon Davies, there is a point of order.
It is not really a point of order I suspect, Madam Deputy Speaker, however, let him have it. [Laughter.]
Is it a point of order?
I believe so, yes, Madam Deputy Speaker.
Yes, what is the point of order?
Hon Deputy Speaker, firstly, the Minister started by saying that he is addressing the matter as a Member of Parliament in his constituency capacity and not as the Minister. Rules of this House do not make provision for MPs to react on statements on behalf of their constituencies. Secondly, hon Deputy Speaker, is that the issue the Minister is referring to is squarely on the terrain of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. That Minister is in the House, and she indicated that she would like to respond to member's statements. I think that is what should be done. Thank you.
Let me then address you in my capacity as part of the Deputy President's team that is looking for solutions to the crisis in the agricultural sector, as the Minister in that regard. [Applause.] Let me say that it is precisely that kind of analysis which I think is preventing the DA from being part of the solution. The fact of the matter is that this was a major wake-up call for us with regard to repositioning the agricultural sector around the shared future, which includes improving the conditions of life and of labour of those workers who have been living in dire conditions. I think unless you recognise that this is the reality you are dealing with, you are not part of the solution but part of the problem.
I also want to refer to what the hon Wilmot James said. He told us that the DA was going around with its "Know Your DA" campaign. Now what I want to ask is this: Is this campaign informing the public of South Africa about the contribution made in the struggle against apartheid by the core ward that have been deployed here in Parliament? I want to suggest that it seems to me that many of the people who are sitting there, when it comes to the struggle against apartheid, have much to be modest about, and several of them have quite a lot to be embarrassed about. Thank you very much. [Applause.]