Deputy Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to share with you the fact that the DA has shown significant growth in by-elections it contested across South Africa yesterday. We retained all five DA wards and made significant inroads in the three ANC-held wards we contested. During the last month our structures in these ANC wards have been campaigning with material related to the Know Your DA campaign. This campaign tells the story of how DA leaders, past and present, opposed apartheid. [Interjections.]
The results show that the Know Your DA campaign is being positively received and shifting votes. The following are examples.
In Metsimaholo ward 10, Free State, the DA grew its support by 17 percentage points, from 11% in 2011 to 28%. [Applause.]
In Greater Tzaneen ward 24, Limpopo, the DA grew its support by nine percentage points, from 5% in 2011 to 14%. [Applause.] In Makhuduthamaga ward 27, Limpopo, the DA grew its support by 24 percentage points, from 2% in 2011 to 26%. This growth in former ANC strongholds bodes well for the DA's prospects at the national and provincial elections to be held next year, as more and more people come to believe in the DA's philosophy of the open-opportunity society for all. We await congratulations from the ANC. Thank you. [Time expired.]