Hon House Chair, one of the issues that came up in the statement of the hon member of the UDM, and I would like to briefly respond to it, is the issue of the Industrial Development Corporation.
In fact, the IDC has been significantly expanding its envelope of investments, not only in your traditional fast-growing urban areas, but also in a number of rural areas. Over the last year the IDC has approved about R13 billion's worth of new investments, and over the five-year period close to R60 billion.
The hon member raised the issue of renewable energy. Now, what we are doing is refocusing the IDC's investment on the key jobs drivers - areas that are important either because they create jobs or for infrastructure development.
The location of each wind farm or every solar operation must be the responsibility of the project conceiver. The private sector player decides where they are going to put up the wind farm, because they take the risk that if the level of wind doesn't generate energy, they are not going to recoup their investment. So, we don't make those micro decisions.
However, we do ensure that there is community involvement and empowerment, and that the capital base that is required is available. I think it's a great success story so far but, of course, we can do more around renewable energy. Thank you very much.